Legislative elections 2024: discover all the candidates for the 13th and 14th constituencies of the North in Dunkirk

Legislative elections 2024: discover all the candidates for the 13th and 14th constituencies of the North in Dunkirk
Legislative elections 2024: discover all the candidates for the 13th and 14th constituencies of the North in Dunkirk

HASfter the dissolution of the National Assembly, announced after the European elections by Emmanuel Macron, new legislative elections will be held on June 30 and July 7. The various candidates had until Sunday, May 16, 6 p.m., to send their applications. We take stock of the constituencies of Dunkerquois and Maritime Flanders.

List of candidates for the 13th constituency:

  • Julien Gokel41 years old, mayor of Cappelle-la-Grande and Jean Bodart (alternate), 78 years old, mayor of Dunkirk, under the label P.S..
  • Clement Bézine40 years old, professor in Saint-Pol-sur-Mer and Jean-Luc Waringhem (substitute), retired chemistry worker for Workers’ struggle.
  • Damien Lacroix, educational senior advisor and Fatima Belferrag-Djadel (alternate) for New Popular Front
  • Maxence Accart32 years old, lawyer (full) and Adrien Nave (alternate), 32 years old, municipal councilor of Saint-Pol-sur-Mer and Dunkirk for the National gathering.

As a reminder, the 13th constituency of the North includes the following towns: Dunkerque, Saint-Pol-sur-Mer, Fort-Mardyck, Mardyck, Cappelle-la-Grande, Téteghem, Grande-Synthe and Coudekerque-Branche. The outgoing MP is Christine Decodts (Together).

List of candidates for the 14th constituency:

  • Paul Christophe53, outgoing MP and former mayor of Zuydcoote and Pierre Marle (substitute), 70, mayor of Bollezeele for Horizons.
  • Jean-Baptiste Gardes42 years old, ex-LR, commercial director in real estate and Yohann Duval (substitute), 41 years old, municipal councilor of Dunkirk and community advisor to the CUD for the National gathering.
  • Filipina Heyman22 years old, nurse and Gautier Delcambre (substitute), member of the CGT for New Popular Front.
  • Anne-Lise Perche50 years old, territorial attaché who lives in Armentières and David Dupré La Tour (substitute) for the RN.
  • Sandrine Desrayaudmiddle school teacher and David Haillant (substitute) for Workers’ Struggle.

As a reminder, the 14th North constituency includes more towns than the 13th. Or the following towns: Bergues, Bourbourg, Dunkerque-Est, Gravelines, Hondschoote and Wormhout. The outgoing MP is Paul Christophe (Horizons).



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