Major MMA tournament organized by neo-Nazi networks in Meuse –

More than 300 neo-Nazis participated in an MMA tournament organized by the neo-Nazi network Hammerskin, with the frank participation of Blood & Honor, in Combres-sous-les-Côtes (Meuse, 55) this Saturday, June 15 2024. Coming from the four corners of Europe, the participants fought for hours in an agricultural shed belonging to Jérémy Flament [2]. This neo-Nazi establishment of the Hammerskin network, called “Thor’s Tavern”, was relocated to the north of the Meuse from Toul (54) around ten years ago, following interventions by anti-fascist collectives. Despite the presence of individuals well known to territorial intelligence and the public exhibition of illegal Nazi symbols, the intervention of the local gendarmerie at the end of the afternoon was short-lived: the law enforcement agents left the “private” fascist gathering after a few courteous exchanges with the organizers.

Tomasz Szkatulski (front, center), organizer of the tournament, and Jérémy Flament (in profile, right), owner of the “Taverne de Thor”, talk with the gendarmes.

Photo credits: Exif Recherche.

Jérémy Flament in 2013, showing his most beautiful neo-Nazi tattoos.
Photo credits: SMMAC.

“An event of such magnitude and under the benevolent eye of the authorities shows that the acceptance of dangerous neo-Nazis who collect money on French soil does not seem to bother,” exclaims a resident who wants to stay anonymous. “This is a frightening demonstration that calls into question the “barrier to the extreme right” that the government claims to embody. » Internal security did not intervene during the evening, although contacted several times by residents and local elected officials.

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The entrance to “Thor’s Tavern” on June 15, 2024, with details of certain T-shirts worn by those present.

Photo credits: Exif Recherche.

The entrance to “Thor’s Tavern” on June 15, 2024 (without details of the T-shirts).
Photo credits: Exif Recherche.

“At a time when the radical right is advancing and organizing at the European level, it is time to strengthen research and anti-fascist interventions, in the city or in the countryside,” comments Frédéric Suilly, of the anti-fascist collective in the Montsec region. We must do everything possible to block the path of the neo-Nazi danger and finally close “Thor’s Tavern”!

The Meuse population had already tried to alert the authorities to the seriousness of allowing such places to be established on their territory. As early as 2015, she reacted by mobilizing for a demonstration which took place in 2016 [3] :

Despite these warnings, the authorities have not reacted, even less under current governments who are quicker to dissolve and repress social movement organizations than to ban neo-Nazi demonstrations here in the Meuse, as in Lyon or Rennes.

Siamo tutti antifascisti!

Fascism will not pass in the Meuse or elsewhere: we will fight it!

[RAGE] – Grand-Est Antifascist Rally, June 16, 2024



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