mother discovers drugs in her car and turns her daughter over to the police

mother discovers drugs in her car and turns her daughter over to the police
mother discovers drugs in her car and turns her daughter over to the police

A young 25-year-old from Marseillaise was taken to the police station by her mother after she discovered more than 200 grams of herbal cannabis in her car.

Le Figaro Marseille

Often, the police stay in hiding for a long time in the hope of arresting drug dealers and getting their hands on their goods. But sometimes, the drugs reach them directly at the police station. At least this is what happened to the police officers in the southern zone of Marseille, as several corroborating police sources told the Figaro.

Tuesday, around 1:30 p.m., a lady presented herself at the police station located on Boulevard Baptiste Bonnet, in the 8e district of Marseille. But she wasn’t alone. This mother had come with her daughter, aged 25, to whom she had lent her vehicle a few hours earlier. However, when her daughter returned her car, the mother had the unpleasant surprise of finding a bag of 216 grams of herbal cannabis in the passenger compartment.

Before the courts

The Marseillaise then decided to take her daughter to the police, armed with the bag of drugs that had been seized. The latter was called to court this Wednesday as part of an appearance on prior admission of guilt.




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