Towards the first 30°C of the year 2024

Towards the first 30°C of the year 2024
Towards the first 30°C of the year 2024

Mother nature couldn’t find a better way to mark the arrival of the summer season which will take place this coming Thursday evening.

All of New Brunswick will be hit in the middle of the week by a heat wave which will set in and which will be marked by temperatures which should easily cross the 30°C mark.

This marked warming of temperatures will be felt from Tuesday.

Even the Saint-Jean region, where heat and cold waves are rather rare, will not escape the phenomenon which will affect the entire east of the country.

Environment Canada issued a special weather bulletin on Sunday morning reporting the imminent arrival of a heat wave in different regions of Quebec, a warning which should quickly extend to several regions of New Brunswick.

Maximum temperatures above 30°C followed by nighttime minimums above 20°C are expected from Tuesday to Thursday.

The American meteorological firm AccuWeather even forecasts temperatures of 35°C or more on Wednesday in the Moncton, Fredericton, Edmundston, Woodstock and Miramichi regions.

A feeling of 40°C or more is most likely in these regions.

Everywhere else in the province, the mercury should display at least 30°C the same day.

This mass of hot air moving into New Brunswick could set heat records in certain regions during this heatwave period.

The heat wave, which will probably not go unnoticed, should dissipate on Friday with an expected return of temperatures close to seasonal norms in the northern portion of the province.

In regions further south, the drop in temperatures will be felt more during the night from Friday to Saturday.

The average daytime temperature for this time of year in Moncton is 22°C.

At this level of risk, exposure to the sun can be dangerous between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Seeking shade, wearing long clothes, a hat and sunglasses, as well as applying a very high protection sunscreen is strongly recommended.

Environment Canada suggests being vigilant about heat-related repercussions, such as exhaustion and heat stroke, and drinking plenty of water.



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