SENEGAL-SOCIETE-COMMEMORATION / The Tabaski festival celebrated by some of the Senegalese faithful – Senegalese press agency

SENEGAL-SOCIETE-COMMEMORATION / The Tabaski festival celebrated by some of the Senegalese faithful – Senegalese press agency
SENEGAL-SOCIETE-COMMEMORATION / The Tabaski festival celebrated by some of the Senegalese faithful – Senegalese press agency

Dakar, June 16 (APS) – Part of the Senegalese Muslim community celebrated the Tabaski festival on Sunday, the vast majority of the faithful having decided to commemorate Eid-el-Adha on Monday June 17, in accordance with the recommendations of the commission national consultation of the lunar crescent.

The official commission had set the date of this celebration for Monday June 17, but some of the faithful chose to commemorate Tabaski 24 hours before, at the call in particular of the coordination of Muslims in Senegal.

In certain districts of Dakar, such as the Medina, as is tradition, faithful went to the mosque for Eid prayer, but also in other localities of the country such as Podor (north), example.

It is recommended to the believer to sacrifice an animal on the occasion of Eid el-Kebir – a sheep, a goat or a cow for example – to commemorate an episode from the Koran in which God orders Abraham to donate the life of his son.

The child is ultimately spared, the angel Gabriel having replaced him with a sheep at the last moment.

The “sacrifice of Abraham” recalls the importance of submission to divine will and trust in God.

The Tabaski festival is also an opportunity to strengthen family and community ties, practice gratitude to God and show compassion to those in need.





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