The Paul-Poirier nursing home in Granville takes part in the Éclaireurs du Tour de France

The Paul-Poirier nursing home in Granville takes part in the Éclaireurs du Tour de France
The Paul-Poirier nursing home in Granville takes part in the Éclaireurs du Tour de France


Editorial La Gazette de la Manche

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 1:16 p.m.

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Two connected bikes are installed in the common room of theestablishment for dependent elderly people Paul-Poirier from Granville (Manche).

Landscapes scroll in real time. A video is projected on the big screen. This equipment was financed by AG2R La Mondiale, ReSanté-Vous and Agirc-Arrco and the Sud-Manche Hospitals, as part of the Tour scouts operation.

One euro donated per kilometer traveled

We arrive at 700 km covered here, out of the 1,000 hoped for in each participating nursing home. Each kilometer will be transformed into donations for the Pasteur Institute, around €1 per km, or more than €4,000 in total. We have over 50 residents who run regularly.

Rémi Balaguier, doctor at the establishment.

Normandy junior champion in 1949

” I have been Normandy junior cycling champion in 1949. I lost both my parents shortly after, which prevented me from having a career in cycling,” says Pierre Mary, 93 years oldwho is in great shape and participating in the event.

Open to families and the public

Everyone can come and cycle every afternoon from 2:30 p.m.

» The Donville-les-Bains outdoor center will come and spend two mornings in the residence to help achieve the kilometer objective. Then we want to continue this momentum. In the long term, we want to sustainably establish this habit of cycling and more generally of sport to see the effects it has on residents,” hopes Doctor Balaquier.

Videos: currently on Actu

L’experimentation with connected cycling will continue at the Paul-Poirier nursing home at least until the end of the year.

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