SURVEY. 81% of French people do not want Mélenchon in Matignon

SURVEY. 81% of French people do not want Mélenchon in Matignon
SURVEY. 81% of French people do not want Mélenchon in Matignon

He presented himself as a “natural” candidate for Matignon during the 2022 legislative campaign. Two years later… “the Republic” is definitely not him, disqualified by 81% of respondents who judge that Jean-Luc Mélenchon would make a “bad prime minister”.

On the left, in a context where La France insoumise is no longer in a position to impose its law, 82% of socialists and 83% of ecologists, even more severe than the French as a whole, reject its leadership. Demonetized by his excesses, by the sound and the fury, Mélenchon finds himself behind all the figures of the left Popular Front version.

The best placed on the left, Raphaël Glucksmann, is favored by the socialists and environmentalists and benefits from the support of 51% of voters in Valérie Hayer’s European elections. A fair recognition after having been dubbed by the Macronist candidate from the start of the campaign, by evoking their community of votes on the vast majority of European texts. Like the rebalancing of the balance of power between LFI and the PS, Glucksmann recreates a space for a left of social-democratic government which was Emmanuel Macron’s stepping stone to access power.

François Ruffin does not convince

Conversely, François Ruffin, who himself recently joined this left-wing movement and applied as a candidate in the context of a possible victory for the Popular Front in the legislative elections, is not convincing, with 28%. of positive opinions, barred by the massive rejection of socialists and ecologists.

Unsurprisingly, the best placed for the position, Jordan Bardella and Gabriel Attal, confirm the dynamic of an opinion seduced by the renewal of incarnations claiming, each in their own way, a form of conservatism around authority, security and the defense of traditional values. Gabriel Attal benefiting from a high score among socialist European voters (44%) and among François-Xavier Bellamy’s LR (68%). A third of those who voted for Bardella credit him with embodying the role of Prime Minister well.

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The surprise on the right: Xavier Bertrand

The surprise on the right is Xavier Bertrand. The first personality from the Republicans in this ranking of prime ministers, he is six points ahead of Laurent Wauquiez, with 32% positive opinions, a score which credits his strategy of distancing himself from the Republican staff, who allows us to summarize between Glucksmann’s voters in the European elections (41%), those of Valérie Hayer (57%) and those of François-Xavier Bellamy (65%).

Gérard Larcher has already declined the position. Rightly so, he ranks behind Laurent Wauquiez among the right-wing contenders, with 25% favorable opinions.



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