Morocco: Travelers stranded at Rabat station. No bus (video)

Morocco: Travelers stranded at Rabat station. No bus (video)
Morocco: Travelers stranded at Rabat station. No bus (video)
This kind of situation is usual in Morocco on the days of Eid El Adha.

Tags: Morocco, Rabat Bus Station, Eid El Adha, transport, stranded travelers, mobility,

The atmosphere was sinister yesterday at the Rabat Bus Station. No buses and closed ticket booths are the findings of travelers crowded into the station all day long waiting to be able to spend the Eid El Kébir holiday with their families. They tried hard to find someone in charge to inform them about the situation, but in vain.

At Rabat-Ville station, a large number of travelers found themselves stuck in a situation of chaos and discontent. Nichane’s cameras captured images of non-existent “ghost” buses on the ground, and closed ticket counters that compound the suffering of travelers eager to spend the holiday with their families and loved ones.

Faces looked tired and nerves frayed, with many travelers expressing frustration at the poor organization and lack of information. Their journeys were disrupted, increasing their suffering in the absence of clear solutions from the station management. They call for improving services and providing the transportation needed to end the mobility crisis.

According to some travelers, this situation is usual on Eid days.

#Morocco #Bus #Rabat Station #Transport



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