Thuram room “the Ninja Turtle” Mbappé, the entire group… Le journal des Bleus

Thuram room “the Ninja Turtle” Mbappé, the entire group… Le journal des Bleus
Thuram room “the Ninja Turtle” Mbappé, the entire group… Le journal des Bleus

While the first teams have launched their Euro and the big teams have successfully entered the competition, like Germany and Spain, defeaters of Scotland and Croatia, the Blues quietly continue their preparation on the Paderborn side while waiting for Monday’s match against Austria. We take stock of the things to know on this Sunday, June 16.

A whole group

The Blues trained again at the Home Deluxe Arena in Paderborn late in the afternoon, under the sun, which was nice after several days of gray weather in the region. The good mood was there and Didier Deschamps was able to count on a full group for this session focused on set pieces.

Thuram pays himself nicely for Mbappé…

A few hours earlier, in the morning, Marcus Thuram appeared before the media at a press conference, alternating between light-hearted tone and more serious remarks. Called “Kylian” by one of our colleagues, the Inter striker did not hesitate to send a tackle with both feet off his big friend from Real Madrid. “Kylian?” Did you call me Kylian? I’m more handsome though, I don’t look like a Ninja Turtle! “.

…And the National Rally

But the former Guingampais also took a position against the RN before the first round of the legislative elections, a first for a player on the France team since the start of the rally. “As Ousmane (Dembélé) said, I think we have to go and vote, tell everyone to go and vote, and above all, as citizens, we have to fight on a daily basis to ensure that does not happen again and so that the RN does not pass,” he insisted. Simple, effective, clinical.

Today’s program

That’s it, we’re finally getting back to the real thing! The Blues will arrive in Düsseldorf in the morning and will train at the Merkur Spiel-Arena at 6:30 p.m. Deschamps and a player (captain Mbappé, for example?) have a conference meeting at 5:30 p.m. Then, pasta, a short film and bed, to be ready for the big day, Monday, against Austria.



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