Charleville-Mézières: the mayor, Boris Ravignon, swims in the Meuse to reassure people about the quality of the water

A symbolic gesture, a political wink. Unlike the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes), Boris Ravignon, bathed in his river, the Meuse, this Saturday afternoon. The elected official took advantage of the media enthusiasm around swimming in the Seine, where open water swimming events are to take place during the Olympic Games, to demonstrate the good quality of the water of the Meuse, a water “clean and without health risk”. Deputies and around thirty people also took the plunge and jumped into water around 17 degrees, according to the town hall. The councilor assured earlier in the week that it is now possible to swim in the Meuse thanks to a “improvement in water quality since the 90s, (…) thanks to a policy of regular investments to treat wastewater.

The mayor of Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes), Boris Ravignon, bathed in the Meuse to reassure people about the quality of the water. © Radio France
Sarah D’Hers

“A historic day for Charleville-Mézières”

For decades, the Ardennes Metropolis has invested 80 million euros to allow swimming. “There are still prejudices. We don’t realize to what extent we have really improved the quality of water, the treatment of wastewater, the limitation of discharges into the natural environment. We have succeeded in reconquering biodiversity “, adds the mayor. His deputy for complete ecology, also in the water: “It’s a historic day for Charleville-Mézières”. A promise kept before the eyes of Cathy, a resident, smiles while shivering “If I’m sick at my wedding I know why”. “It’s an original idea, it makes for animation,” reacts Florence, bundled up in a scarf in June. Hundreds of curious people came to watch the spectacle.

Around thirty people and the mayor of Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes) bathed in the Meuse.
Around thirty people and the mayor of Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes) bathed in the Meuse. © Radio France
Sarah D’Hers

According to the town hall, swimming will be possible in the Meuse, not this summer, but the next one assures Boris Ravignon. The arrangements will be semi-permanent, alongside the “Le Cabaret Vert” festival which takes place in mid-August.



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