The weather plays with our nerves in Île-de-France: sudden drop in temperatures before a spectacular rise

The weather plays with our nerves in Île-de-France: sudden drop in temperatures before a spectacular rise
The weather plays with our nerves in Île-de-France: sudden drop in temperatures before a spectacular rise


Thomas Martin

Published on

June 15, 2024 at 6:10 p.m.

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Clearly, the weather is playing on our nerves in Paris and Île-de-France. As summer approaches, the sun is long overdue and the temperatures that go with it. After a sunny morning this Saturday June 15, the rest of the day was very cloudy and temperatures far from seasonal norms. According to Météo-France forecasts, we should not see the sun again anytime soon.

Six degrees lost in Paris in 24 hours

At the Montsouris station in Paris (14th arrondissement), it did not exceed 17.2°C this Saturday afternoon compared to nearly 23°C the day before.

On X, meteorologist Guillaume Séchet explains the situation: “the passage of the cold front over our country is causing a radical drop in temperatures today. These values ​​reach, in the middle of the afternoon, -4 to -8°C in the Paris Basin, -2 to -5°C in the Massif Central and up to -10°C in the South-West! »

On Sunday, the situation should not be better. The sun will be hidden and the temperatures have no reason to take off. In short, another autumn weekend…

But, if the sky does not seem ready to clear in the coming days, temperatures should skyrocket. “Between Sunday and next Wednesday, the rise in temperatures will be remarkable,” announces The Weather Channel. 30°C will be reached over a good southern quarter of the country on Wednesday afternoon! »

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And in Île-de-France? 30°C will not be reached but 26°C could be, a radical increase in a few days. The problem is that this rise in temperatures will coincide with the arrival of a cold drop which will cross France between Tuesday and next Friday, from west to east. “Preceded by very hot air rising from Tunisia and followed by cool Atlantic air, the situation promises to be explosive,” fears The Weather Channel.

Thunderstorms could thus break out, particularly in Île-de-France.

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