Midsummer lights | Peynier.fr

Midsummer lights | Peynier.fr
Midsummer lights | Peynier.fr

PEYNIER Fêtes will offer the annual celebration of the Saint-Jean fire on June 28. This traditional event, which dates back centuries, brings together the inhabitants of Peynier each year to celebrate the summer solstice in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Midsummer’s Day is much more than just a celebration; it is the symbol of a deep connection with nature and a tradition that is passed down from generation to generation.

The celebration of the Midsummer bonfire is deeply rooted in the history and customs of our region. It has its origins in ancient pagan beliefs linked to the summer solstice, marking the longest day of the year. Fires were lit to drive away evil spirits, purify the land and bring prosperity and fertility for the coming season.

Evening program 2024

  • 19h00 : Meet in front of the Jean Jaurès school group (refreshment bar and snacks on site)
  • 20h00 : Distribution of lanterns and torchlight procession to the municipal bowling alley
  • 22h00 : Setting the fire at the municipal bowling alley with the Provençal Traditional Ensemble “Oulivarello” member of the Mediterranean Folkloric Federation

When ?

Friday June 28, 2023 from 7 p.m.

Or ?

Jean Jaurès school group

How much ?


Contacts ?

Such. : 06 64 03 75 45



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