Meaux: the creators’ fair “The art of being a woman” takes over the Coliseum

Meaux: the creators’ fair “The art of being a woman” takes over the Coliseum
Meaux: the creators’ fair “The art of being a woman” takes over the Coliseum


Editorial Meaux

Published on

June 22, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.

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At the head of the Afro-Caribbean concept store on rue du Grand-Cerf in Meaux, “The art of being a woman”, and founder of Yarale Collection, Niouma Soumbounou offers the fifth edition of its lounge dedicated to entrepreneurship and women’s well-beingSunday June 23, 2024.

A 2024 show which is expanding since, for the first time, it will take place at Coliseum. No fewer than 70 exhibitors and 1,000 visitors are expected.

This show aims to stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit and to make known the creative wealth of other cultures.

An event for creators and entrepreneurs

THE Afro-Caribbean women there is no shortage of talented women in Île-de-France. While some have already embarked on the adventure of entrepreneurship, others may still hesitate. It was for them that Niouma Soumbounou had the idea of ​​this show which she has been organizing, with the help of her nine sisters, since 2021.

I founded it with the aim of allowing creators, various advisors and future entrepreneurs to meet and initiate networking. It is also, between shopping stands, restaurants, Beauty/Well-being area, fashion show and concerts, an opportunity for the public to discover the richness of cultures that they regularly encounter without really knowing them and to buy artisanal products that are rarely found in stores.

Niouma Soumbounou
Videos: currently on -

However, the salon is not only reserved for women since creators also participatesuch as the Senegalese writer Diaddou Cissé who offers to learn African languages ​​while having fun.


On the 2024 program, some new features : a round table “Entrepreneurship and well-being” will bring together a therapist, a financial advisor, a Digital Manager and the EVI association. The fashion show, with creations from the “Art of Being a Woman” boutique, will have as its model this year: Fatou Keita, Miss Senegal-France 2024, accompanied by her two runners-up and one of the finalists, Meguy Sacko, finalist of Miss Mali-France 2024 as well as five students from the Jean Rose de Meaux high school.

Children will also join in parade for the junior collection.

The musique will once again be there with a concert of “Gwoka” (Guadeloupean drum) and, to close this beautiful day of exchanges, there will be the exceptional arrival of Doussou Bagayoko, one of the most beautiful voices from Mali who mixes traditional Mandinka rhythms, afro-pop, afro-soul and afro-funk.

Finally, to facilitate the visit of parents, a nurserywith creative workshops and activities will welcome children from 3 years old.

The Art of Being a Woman Salon, Sunday June 23, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Colisée de Meaux. Free, open to all. Telephone: 06 11 70 05 46.

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