Walnut oil from Moulin d’Antoine to taste on June 23 – Medialot

Walnut oil from Moulin d’Antoine to taste on June 23 – Medialot
Walnut oil from Moulin d’Antoine to taste on June 23 – Medialot

Demonstration and sale from 10 a.m.

After collecting the walnuts in the fall, after a few nut removal sessions at the beginning of spring, it is time to put the Moulin d’Antoine into action:

– Come and see the two ancestral stone millstones of 600 kg each, driven by a set of belts and pulleys, turn to crush the kernels,

– Come and discover how the nut paste is brought to the right temperature for pressure, taking care to stir it well in a large cast iron pan measuring one meter in diameter,

– Come admire the work of the manual press which allows the precious blond nectar to flow, offering a virgin oil with an incomparable fragrance and proven benefits.

Sunday June 23, from 10 a.m., the Moulin d’Antoine at L’Hôpital Saint-Jean in the north of the Lot awaits you for a demonstration of walnut oil manufacturing.

A dynamic and volunteer team will be at your disposal to present this activity to you in an authentic Quercy hall as part of Small Heritage and Mills Day.

You can buy a bottle of walnut oil, the proceeds from this sale contribute to the maintenance of the Mill’s installations.



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