Tangier: Inno’Vert, to strengthen the engagement of young people in the green economy

Tangier: Inno’Vert, to strengthen the engagement of young people in the green economy
Tangier: Inno’Vert, to strengthen the engagement of young people in the green economy

Fruit of Moroccan-Spanish cooperation, the “Inno’Vert” project was launched on Tuesday in Tangier, with a view to strengthening the participation of women and young people in the green economy in several provinces of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al region. Hoceima.

Funded by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the project “Development of the green entrepreneurship ecosystem for young people, women and migrants in Tangier, Tetouan and M’diq-Fnideq” (Inno’ Green), which extends over a period of 48 months, is implemented by the “CODESA” and “CEDIAL” foundations, in partnership with the Chifae Association for Development, the African Youth Organization, the Union national association of Moroccan women of Jamaa Mezouak, and the Moubadara Foundation for youth and entrepreneurship. The main objective of the project, which aims to reach 3,000 people aged 18 to 35, including 1,588 women, is to contribute to the socio-economic inclusion of young people, women and migrants in situations of poverty and vulnerability in northern Morocco.

This project aims to promote public knowledge and awareness of the environment and the green economy and its participation in the transition to a green and circular economy, as well as to promote technological and commercial innovation in the supply chains. generating value of green entrepreneurship with high added value in Tangier, Tetouan and M’diq-Fnideq. It also aims to promote innovative entrepreneurship in emerging sectors of the green economy, by supporting the creation of business initiatives led by young people, women and migrants in situations of socio-economic vulnerability.

It also aims to attract capital and financial services, public and private, to finance projects designed as part of the “Inno’Vert” incubation program, as well as to support the marketing and revitalization of business relations. companies created as part of the “Inno’Vert” program.

In order to achieve these objectives, numerous awareness-raising and training activities will be organized to support beneficiaries, with a view to successful professional integration and creating businesses active in the green economy, particularly in areas linked to renewable energies, energy efficiency, waste recycling, the circular economy, and rational resource management.

Sami Nemli / ECO Inspirations



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