The situation of women today

The situation of women today
The situation of women today

Alain Finkielkraut receives Elisabeth Badinterphilosopher, militant feminist, who published an essay entitled, Gentlemen, one more effort, analyzing the progressive demographic decline of France and redesigning a new era of motherhood where, despite still fluctuating gender equality, women now “refuse to be the eternal losers”.

“Gentlemen, one more effort”, asks Elisabeth Badinter, in her latest work. So what does this effort consist of?

There is still a way to go before we achieve full equality

“Since the 1970s, men have made a lot of effort. Unfortunately, it is in certain circles – young fathers are doing what their fathers never did, it is an example to follow and amplify. This What I ask of men today is to complete the journey towards gender equality. And this persistent inequality, often despised a little by everyone, is the non-sharing of family tasks, of life. home; what concerns the private sector Yes, it has progressed a little, but we still have half the way to go. We are in the unsaid: women are not demanding it as loudly as they have demanded. other things, as if it were a little petty to bring any trial against men of this order And yet in my eyes, it is the main cause of the remnants of patriarchy, of inequality.

Caring education has replaced raising children with nurturing them.

“Raising, educating, is teaching the notion of limits. Benevolent education, when we look at what it consists of, that is to say, constant attention to the needs of the child, and even beyond: we must never punish. Consequently, the maternal task becomes unimaginable, the child completely ignores the idea of ​​limits: the ban is prohibited. I think it is a disaster, apart from the fact that it wears out the mothers. , it is very dangerous for the future of the child, that is a successful education, that is a failed education.

When feminism in recent years has identified itself with the Me too movement

“Revealing, bringing to light what is practiced on women, coercion, violence, rape, seemed healthy enough to put everything on the table, then quite quickly, I was very struck by certain multiple accusations which seemed very strange to me, when I quickly understood that there was also a pack phenomenon; it was not one woman but twenty women who said they had been violated by X or Y, often famous people; , and immediately, it was social death. That we complain to the courts, yes, absolutely; that we judge before the judge, that’s no. This deviance scares me, no one fights it. social death, for me, and unbearable” (…).

The Morning Guest (part 2) Listen later

Reading listen 25 mins

The Morning Guest (part 2) Listen later

Reading listen 16 mins



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