Legislative elections in Clermont-Montagne: who will referee the traditional duel between the center right and the left?

Legislative elections in Clermont-Montagne: who will referee the traditional duel between the center right and the left?
Legislative elections in Clermont-Montagne: who will referee the traditional duel between the center right and the left?

For decades, the center right and environmentalists have shared the mandates of deputies for the third constituency of Puy-de-Dôme. Will the cards be reshuffled on Sunday?

In the third constituency of Puy-de-Dôme as at the national level, the question is the same: does the significant score of the RN in the European elections portend a victory in the legislative elections for Jordan Bardella’s party?
Observers pointed out this on June 10: the voting method is completely different (uninominal majority in two rounds for deputies). Voting habits and party roots will therefore be important on June 30.
This is already what the results of the 2022 legislative elections in the Clermont-Montagne region told us.

An urban and rural constituency

In the first round, Nicolas Bonnet, an environmentalist candidate dubbed by Nupes, was ahead of outgoing MP Laurence Vichnievsky, a MoDem candidate and supported by the presidential majority. Between them they combined more than 58% of the votes cast. Nothing could be more logical in a constituency which, since 1988, has given the majority of its votes to center-right candidates (the Giscard father and son until 2012) but also to an environmentalist, Danielle Auroi (2012-2017). A solid electoral base on which the two opponents of the second round two years ago intend to rely on this Sunday.In 2022, Laurence Vichnievsky and Nicolas Bonnet faced each other in the second round. The outgoing MP won (archive photo Richard Brunel).

The question is whether the political landscape has changed in this constituency, which is both urban and rural. If we take into account the last European elections, the “city voter” challenged the extremes, placing Valérie Hayer (Renaissance – MoDem – Horizons) in the lead in Royat and Chamalières, Raphaël Glucksmann (PS – Place publique ) in Beaumont.

What score for the right and the far right?

“The voter of the fields”, he favored the list of Jordan Bardella, multiplying by two or three, in many municipalities, the score obtained by Françoise Batisson in the 2022 legislative elections (12.06%). But there is a major unknown for the National Rally in this third constituency: the candidate herself. Nadine Pers has never solicited the votes of voters. And what weight will Patrick Finotto (Reconquest), former candidate for municipal elections in Clermont-Ferrand, have on the list of Anne Biscos (RN)?

Marie-Anne Marchis, for her part, is well identified in the region. The departmental councilor elected in Chamalières will advance under the Les Républicains banner, as in 2022 (14.32%). Will the discord that reigns in the party have an impact? Without forgetting that the score in the European elections did not exceed 10%…
Finally, another face known to local elections for several years, Marie Savre will once again represent Lutte Ouvrière “and the workers”, determined to do better than the score of 2002 (0.92%).

The puzzle of candidates without labels

How can you campaign when you are unknown to the general public, surrounded by a very small team, independent, without the financial support of a party?
Louis Dupic, 23 years old, and René Ondet, 69 years old, the only candidates without a label in the third constituency, are caught in the whirlwind of these express legislative elections.

Participation in the first round of the 2022 legislative elections was 54.41% in the third constituency of Puy-de-Dôme.

“We think about it all the time,” admits the youngest person in the poll who discovered behind the scenes of a new adventure for him. And the choices that must be made. “If we do not obtain 5% of the votes cast, we are not reimbursed. So we decided to print the 99,000 ballots cast in the polling stations but not to print the 99,000 professions of faith sent to homes. ” The bill ? 1,300 euros all the same. The candidate and his deputy Benjamin Barrier also plan to invest 200 euros in posters posted in the municipalities. No more. The campaign will be limited to towing.

Believe in your luck

Ditto for René Ondet who announced at the beginning of the week his intention to buy a car. At the same time, he had to sort out a big detail: on Monday, his ballot papers were still not printed. “I haven’t found a printer yet! “. But he did not despair. Even if it means considering everything. “I suggested that voters make their own ballots but I was told at the prefecture that this was not possible. » And added: “If necessary, I will campaign like in the old days, with music. » If the remark may make you smile, René Ondet takes his candidacy very seriously, demanding the right to participate in the mid-week televised debate.
Louis Dupic also believes in his chances, in his “fairly solid” project. Why not think about the 5%, or even the 12.5% ​​of the votes cast which would qualify the candidate for the second round? “If we don’t aim to win, it’s not worth it,” he concludes, with the carefreeness and assurance of his youth.

Thierry Senzier



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