the purge within La France insoumise weakens the entire New Popular Front

the purge within La France insoumise weakens the entire New Popular Front
the purge within La France insoumise weakens the entire New Popular Front

Lhe strategy of uniting the left which had demonstrated undeniable effectiveness – an agreement concluded in four days, Friday June 14, going from François Hollande to the New Anticapitalist Party – experienced, in just a few hours, its first hiccups serious. The cracks in the New Popular Front, an alliance of left-wing groups for the legislative elections, have not appeared between the political organizations that make it up (notably La France insoumise, the Socialist Party, the French Communist Party and Europe Ecologie-Les Verts) , but within one of them, weakening, in fact, the entire construction.

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Several figures from La France insoumise (LFI), considered to be rebellious (Alexis Corbière, Raquel Garrido, Hendrik Davi, Danielle Simonnet, Frédéric Mathieu), have, in fact, not been invested. On the contrary, Adrien Quatennens, a controversial figure on the left since his conviction for domestic violence but loyal among the faithful of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is indeed a candidate.

The non-inauguration of the incumbents immediately ignited the powder, revealing the fragilities of the left team: several voices expressed their amazement at a decision deemed incomprehensible. For Clémentine Autain, it is a “purge”. François Ruffin speaks of “stupidity” and of “sectarianism”. The two of them, despite being rebellious, were given the nomination.

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“Mean settling of scores”

In his message on X, François Ruffin suggests that he is not fooled by the approach: “I did not ask you for any investiture, any authorization. I have not fallen under the caudine forks of your stupidity, your sectarianism. You prefer a man who hits his wife, perpetrator of domestic violence, to comrades who have the impudence to have a disagreement with the great leader. Our democracy deserves better than you. »

In short: the eviction of certain elected officials and not others would be a maneuver – certainly simple but effective – on the part of the LFI management to drive a wedge into the camp of the rebels who had taken on a certain importance in the system of the New Popular Front. Indeed, since 2022, those who have been excluded from the movement have been talking to each other, seeing each other and discussing with other left-wing forces. It is no coincidence that it was François Ruffin who, on June 9, first launched the idea of ​​a ” popular Front “. He has been working on this for several years: was he not pleading, as early as 2019, for a “ecological and social popular front” between “reds and greens” ?

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