Groundbreaking Summer Program: McGill Camp Embroiled in Controversy

Groundbreaking Summer Program: McGill Camp Embroiled in Controversy
Groundbreaking Summer Program: McGill Camp Embroiled in Controversy

The group organizing the encampment on the grounds of McGill University has been mired in controversy since the launch of a groundbreaking summer youth program that begins next week.

In a social media post, hooded people accompanied by a person holding a weapon that looks like a Kalashnikov automatic rifle invite the population to register their young people for the four-week camp.

The daily program will include physical activity, Arabic language teaching, cultural crafts, political, historical and revolutionary discussions, it can be read.

“Their rhetoric and incendiary tactics aim to intimidate and destabilize our community,” pleaded the rector of McGill University, Deep Saini, in an email sent to TVA Nouvelles.

“As an academic community, we do not need to share all the same views, but it is imperative that we share a common respect. Stocks have largely exceeded this threshold,” he added.

The federal Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship of Canada, Marc Miller, admits on X that “enough is enough! This is hate speech and incitement, black and white!”

“De-escalation measures at McGill have failed. This has to stop,” he concludes.

Another prayer in Montreal on Sunday

Another prayer is planned for 9 a.m. on Peel Street on Sunday after a first march took place a few days ago in the streets of downtown Montreal.

Having relayed a video in her X account, Ensaf Haidar, the wife of Saudi blogger Raïf Badawi, condemned this act which she described as gratuitous provocation. She also argued that it was harassment of non-Muslims.

She asked Mayor Valérie Plante to intervene.

The Advisory Center for Jewish and Israeli Relations will go to city hall on Monday to denounce “anti-Semitism in the streets, in colleges and in universities.”



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