“He passed through the village like a bomb”: a car crashes into a house in Seine-et-Marne

“He passed through the village like a bomb”: a car crashes into a house in Seine-et-Marne
“He passed through the village like a bomb”: a car crashes into a house in Seine-et-Marne


Agnes Braik

Published on

June 14, 2024 at 6:48 p.m.
; updated June 14, 2024 at 7:58 p.m.

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The tragedy was narrowly avoided! On Thursday June 13, 2024, around 9 p.m., a driver who came from the Grandpuits road embedded at high speed in the facade ofa deck of Fontenailles, on the RD 408, in Seine-et-Marne. Her Peugeot 308 pierced the wall overlooking the living room and the kitchen. Luckily, the occupant of the premises was absent at the time of the accident. And a father, who was on the sidewalk, just had time to shelter his little girl from the shock.

The drunk driver

The driver, taken care of by emergency services, is unharmed. He did not want to be taken to the hospital.

The individual, aged 45, was detected on site. It was positive for alcohol and presented a criminal rate. A gendarmerie investigation has been opened and the man will be interviewed again later.

Specialized firefighters intervened to clear and secure the building ©Sdis77/Franck Desprez

The material damage being considerable, the firefighters specialized in the clearance supported and secured the building.

“He passed through the village like a bomb!” laments the mayor, Ghislaine Harscoët. Road traffic increases, trucks drive very fast and cars circulate in the town at high speed. I am outraged by this behavior! I claim a radar since 2018. The State finally responded favorably to my request and I will finally be able to have an autonomous radar. »

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