Employers: Medef Vaucluse turns the page on UPV

After seeing the number of its members melt like snow in the sun, the Medef (French Business Movement) intends to bounce back in Vaucluse. For this, the employers’ union sent several of its national and regional leaders to the AGM of the Vaucluse structure which has just been held at the GSE premises in Avignon. A notable presence which illustrates the determination of Medef to regain its place in Vaucluse

” It went well. We have turned the page in a clean way,” confides Bruno Arcadipane, first vice-president of the national Medef, in charge of members. A delicate way of explaining that the operation to take control of the Vaucluse section of the employers’ union took place smoothly.
It must be said that, tired of the ‘specificities’ of local functioning, the national Medef was represented in force during this general meeting of Medef Vaucluse which was held on June 5 at the Avignon headquarters of GSE, the largest Vaucluse company established in the departement.
Indeed, in addition to Bruno Arcadipane, also president of Action Logement, Jean-Louis Maurizi, president of Medef Sud, Jean-Luc Monteil, former regional president, and Olivier Tarrazi, representing UPE 13 and member of the Medef Sud office, had also made the trip to restore order within the Vaucluse branch of the first French employers’ organization.

“Vaucluse appeared at the top of the priority pile. »

Bruno Arcadipane, 1er vice-president of national Medef

Around a hundred people participated in the Medef Vaucluse AGM in the GSE headquarters premises.

“When Patrick Martin (editor’s note: the new national president of Medef elected in July 2023), took an overview of the territories where there were problems to be resolved, Vaucluse appeared at the top of the pile of priorities, recognizes with frankness Bruno Arcadipane. It was therefore essential to recreate a dynamic. This territory, with the quality of the businesses and its economic fabric that make it up, deserves it. It is therefore important that Medef finds its place. »
The warm welcome from the hundred participants in this AGM, when the structure only had around fifty members, seems to prove the expectations of part of the local employers.
“This trip by national officials is a very strong message,” insists Bruno Arcadipane. It was very important that we were there to show our determination to put an end to this period of uncertainty. »
“The structure no longer fulfilled its role and no longer provided services to businesses,” adds Jean-Louis Maurizi, the regional president.
An approach supported by the president of Medef himself, who welcomes “this very successful first AGM”. Patrick Martin sent all his encouragement for the occasion by promising to join the new Medef 84 team “as soon as possible”.

A Vaucluse president in November?
Concretely, this ‘new start’ takes the form of the creation of a new entity called Medef Vaucluse which takes over from the former association UPV-Medef (Union patronale de Vaucluse) which the national authorities have therefore ‘disconnected’ from all its mandates such as Urssaf, CPAM, Caf, industrial tribunals, etc.
“From now on, we will ensure that Medef Vaucluse respects the statutes and ethics of the national”, firmly announces Bruno Arcadipane who confirms “that in 30 years of Medef, it had never known the creation of a new association as we do here. »
The new structure is now led by 12 administrators (see box at the end of the article) having designated Jean-Louis Maurizi, the regional president, to act as interim president until the fall.
“By then, the board of directors will be increased to 40 members and will elect its departmental president in November,” specifies the latter.

On the same wavelength as the CCI 84
At the same time, the new Medef Vaucluse team wanted to emphasize its perfect understanding with the current team of the CCI of Vaucluse which nevertheless beat the UPV-Medef list during the 2021 consular elections.
Its president, Gilbert Marcelli, and its general director, Tomas Redondo were also present during the general meeting. Proof of this rapprochement: it was also with them that the members of the Medef national delegation then visited the Agis companies in the Courtine area in Avignon and Eurenco in Sorgues (see photo).

In addition to GSE, the Medef national delegation also visited two other gems of the Vaucluse economy. Agis from Avignon and Eurenco from Sorgue (photo below) with a delegation from the CCI.

Make one voice heard for employers
Another sign of a change of direction, the desire of Medef to reconnect with the CPME. Indeed, faced with a Medef 84 with absent subscribers, the dynamism of the CPME of Vaucluse allowed it to rally nearly a thousand direct members. The sluggishness of some and the success of others have led to tense relations, for many years, between the two employers’ organizations in the department.

“Like the relationships that Medef maintains with the CPME at the national level, Vaucluse will return to a normal level of dialogue and relationship with the CPME”

“Like the relationships that Medef maintains with the CPME at the national level, Vaucluse will return to a normal level of dialogue and relationship with the CPME,” announces Bruno Arcadipane who does not seem afraid of the idea of ​​taking on this challenge. .

“I am the guarantor of equal consistency at the head of Action Logement which, with 1,100,000 housing units intended for employees, is the largest real estate company in France. As such, I ensure that 7 employer and union organizations interact in a balanced and serene manner. So I have some experience of consultation,” he confides.

“CPME is a partner. This is a necessity if we want to make the voice of the economic world heard. The stakes are too high, especially in the current period of uncertainty. »

The new MEDEF Vaucluse board of directors:
– Jean-Louis Maurizi (interim president),
– Bruno Arcadipane,
– Jean-Luc Monteil,
– Olivier Tarrazi,
– Christophe Guignes – U Proximité France,
– Isabelle Guth – Metafrance distribution,
– Sébastien Quiminal – Enedis Vaucluse.
Representatives of professional federations:
– Patrick Arakelian (FEP south-east),
– Jonathan Le Corronc-Clady – FNAIM 84,
– Jérôme Mouret – FNTV84,
– Gilles Mezari – Numeum,
– Denis Morandeau – AGEA.



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