Lot: he accompanies a young person in difficulty on the way to St-Jacques, an encounter which changed their lives

Lot: he accompanies a young person in difficulty on the way to St-Jacques, an encounter which changed their lives
Lot: he accompanies a young person in difficulty on the way to St-Jacques, an encounter which changed their lives


Marc Louison

Published on

June 14, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

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In September and October 2020, Jacques Leclercwho lives in Flaujac-Poujols in the BatchAnd Theo Boulesteixa young person who had lost his education and social skills, traveled together for a month on the path of Saint-Jacquesbetween Atapuerca and Santiago de Compostela in Spain, as part of a break-up stay. Before starting this long walk, they did not know each other. After 30 days of walking, very strong bonds were forged between the two men, who are 53 years apart.

They recount their adventure in the book “Walk and trace your path”.

Cut the young person off from his environment

Jacques Leclerc is a regular on the Way of Saint-Jacques. When he took charge of a private clinic in the Toulouse region, faced with serious financial difficulties, he felt the need to recharge his batteries. He began his first journey in the spring of 2011 from Puy-en-Velay, alone. Jacques warns: “When we set foot on the path, we are trapped. It’s a great moment of coming back to yourself, of total freedom.”

It was during one of his many stays on the road, between Seville and Santiago, that he met a duo composed of a woman of around forty and a young girl of 16- 18 years old. It turns out that she is an educator who accompanies a young person in difficulty as part of a break-up stay. These stays, set up by several associations in France, allow young people to be removed from their family and social environment for several months, to allow them to think and take a step back in order to break the cycle of delinquency and bounce back. “That alerted me. I said to myself: it’s too stupid to walk alone, if I can be of service to a young person. » Jacques registers with a child protection association, and applies to accompany a young person on the journey as a volunteer. “When I told my family, they said, ‘You’re completely crazy!’ “. » Even if walking with a “young delinquent” worries those close to him, Jacques decides to go through with it.

A new family and a new life

In September 2020, the association contacted Jacques to start on the path. After three days of training, Jacques, 69, met Théo, 16, for the first time on September 18. They begin the path straight away. “ I didn’t know his first name or his past. When we met, something happened between us. He’s a very endearing, well-mannered, intelligent kid. He spoke to me straight away, I liked it, he wanted to integrate me. I became attached to him,” explains Jacques. “ Very quickly, it matched well. We got along well. It happened naturally. We revealed ourselves to each other. It must be said that I have no trouble speaking” adds Théo, who specifies that he did not hesitate to accept this break-up stay. “When I was offered it, it was a difficult time for me. I saw it as an opportunity, a second chance. »

Jacques and Théo have one month to travel 600 km and reach Santiago de Compostela. The association gives them a budget per day for eating and sleeping. An educator visits the walkers regularly to see if everything is going well.

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Over the miles traveled, Jacques and Théo get to know each other, they confide in each other, experience joys and difficulties, make significant encounters… And form an indestructible bond. Four years later, they are still in contact. “We see each other really regularly, we always call each other. There is the coincidence of life, I could have come across someone other than Jacques” specifies Théo, who regularly goes to Jacques and Mireille in Flaujac-Poujols. “My wife adopted him, my children too. He’s part of the family. He comes on average once a month. He is at home here, he has his room. If he hasn’t called within a week, I’ll call him,” explains Jacques.

After their month spent together on the road, Jacques managed to convince Théo, who had dropped out of school, to continue his studies. He helps her pass the baccalaureate. Théo gets it with the mention Good, and is currently studying in Toulouse, in BTS Negotiation and Digitalization of Customer Relations on a work-study basis. “Jacques is a benchmark and a mentor. He pushes me to do things, he pulls me up,” explains Théo, who admits to not having completely overcome his problems. “I am more stable, I have grown up. It is going much better. »

Jacques and Théo traveled 600 km together on the Way of Saint-Jacques. ©Théo Boulesteix

A travel diary

From the first stop, in the evening in Burgos, Jacques suggests that Théo write a travel journal with both hands. “He had a school notebook and a pencil in his bag. I told him that I used to write a travel diary and that I had published a book about my first journey from Le Puy. Théo said: “I had to come across a writer, I who have never read a book in my life”. I told him: we’ll publish the book, we’ll see it through to the end. » Théo immediately accepts the challenge. After the day’s stage, they take the time to write about their day. They will discover each other’s notebook once the path is completed.

After three years of rewriting, choices and rereadings, the book “Walk and trace your path” will be released at the end of 2023. Jacques and Théo recount their journey to Saint-Jacques in parallel, step by step. The reader relives this human adventure through the eyes of both. Each one relates these simple moments which give the spice of life and which mark them forever. Like this October 3, 2020, day of the 17e Théo’s birthday and this candle planted in a pot of crème caramel, a moment that neither of them will forget. The book is a strong testimony to the birth of a friendship and a beautiful complicity between two human beings who should never have met.

After the release of their book, Théo and Jacques plan to create an associationthe objective of which will be to raise funds to support associations which organize breakaway stays and enable them to finance the tourist and cultural visits of the young person on the move (which are not covered today).

Even if he will not try the experience again, Jacques is launching an appeal. “What I did is not exceptional, lots of people can do that. It’s a great adventure that I recommend to those who want to support a young person who is lost. »

To read “Walk and trace your path” by Théo Boulesteix and Jacques Leclerc. 12 euros. Book on sale at the Calligramme Bookstore in Cahors or to order by email at [email protected] (+ 4 euros shipping)

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