Guido Brusco (ENI): “Africa must focus on gas”

  • Maher Hajbi

  • And

    Fanny David

Published on June 14, 2024

Reading: 1 minute.

From the file

Africa CEO Forum 2024: Dangote, Ruto, Sangster, Okosi… All our interviews on video

Climate, AI, mines, finances… How can Africa have a better influence on the international scene? More than 2,500 political and economic decision-makers gathered in Kigali on May 16 and 17, 2024, for the Africa CEO Forum. Because it is necessary to bring these rich debates to life, we invite you to watch all our interviews on video.


“The transition is irreversible”… Met in Kigali, on the sidelines of the Africa CEO Forum (May 16-17), Guido Brusco, the director of natural resources operations and number two in the hierarchy of transalpine gas and oil giant ENI, recognizes the need to turn its back on fossil fuels. However, the process, he asserts, must be done “gradually and manner just “.

Gas shift

The war in Ukraine pushed the Italian multinational ENI to accelerate its gas shift on the continent, where it produced more than 4 billion cubic feet of gas in 2022. ENI has signed several gas and LNG production and supply contracts, notably in Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Congo and Mozambique.

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GOOD that COP28 recognized the urgent need to lead a transition to “abandon fossil fuels”, and as European banks begin to reduce financing of oil and gas projects in Africa, the Italian leader hopes to see African financial institutions take over to play a bigger role in the industry. Orientation which must, according to Guido Brusco, to be followed by African states by focusing on gas described as “less polluting than oil”.

© Photomontage: Jeune Afrique

To read : Will Africa succeed in carrying out its solar revolution?

Also very active in Ivory Coast, with the entry into production of the Baleine deposit and the recent Calao discovery, the Italian group is working to develop renewable resources. If the group offers solar autonomy solutions outside network on the continent, it is relying on the development of biofuels to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen energy systems for a “fair” transition. For reduce its carbon footprint, the hydrocarbons juggernaut plans to develop, produce and transform biodiesel on the continent, where several major agreements have already summer signed.

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