Cantal: the results of the departmental competition for resistance and deportation

Cantal: the results of the departmental competition for resistance and deportation
Cantal: the results of the departmental competition for resistance and deportation


Cantal Editorial

Published on

June 14, 2024 at 10:26 a.m.

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The departmental competition of resistance and Deportation is open every year, since 1961to middle school students of 3rd and high school students in France and in French establishments abroad, in memory of the creation of National council of the Resistance.

Resisting deportation

Theme for the 2023-2024 school year: “ resist deportation in France and Europe.

The winning students and classes are awarded their prize by the sub-prefectchief of staff, Alexandre Kesteloot, as well as the departmental director of the National Education Services, Maryline Lutic, in Aurillac.

Mr. Labrousse, president of departmental committee of the jury, explains that “the desire to never forget the bankruptcy of the elites constitutes the genesis of this competition”, and to pay tribute “to our Cantal resistance fighters Henri Tricot, Bernard Cournil, Doctor Garrigoux, and a deep thought to the Cantal village of Keyboards destroyed by the Germans a few km from Mont Mouchet » .

The laureats

Individual test: Individual work – 3rd category – 3rd grade classes, 1st: Ethan Montil; 2nd: Rosanne Gras; 3rd: Charline Gervier; 4th: Lilwen Besse from Collège du Méridien in Mauriac.

Videos: currently on Actu

Collective work: Collective work – 2nd category – high school classes, 1st: Tiphaine Arnal, Tibo Bednarczyk, Alexis Bonzon, Léa Boutet, Zoé Castanié, Eve Dorweek, Emile Erceau, Manon Escassut, Lilou Magne, Louane Miquel, Alexandra Misty, Julie Nureau, Louis Pierre, Justine Souquières, Lilly Therizols, Locilla du Lycée des Métiers Raymond Cortat in Aurillac.

Collective work – 4th category – 3rd grade classes, 1st: Romane Gaillac, Margot Salles, Fanny Trouiller, Célia Venzac, Ambre Villatte and 2nd: Louise Boudou, Louise Anna Roth from Collège Jeanne de la Treilhe in Aurillac.

Jean Baudard Prize : Arsène Ballieu, Emilie Balmisse, Justine Bruel-Gineste, Jeanne Canches, Maya Cipot-Vendrely, Maîa Christophe, Charlène de Backer, Louis Delort, Margot Bubosq, Sven Ensing, Emma Fabre, Jean Fel, Lilou Gosset, Lou Gracia, Maelys Kieffer , May le Berre-Biau, Elodie Malvezin, Victoria Oerrier, Jules Puech, Justine Robert, Amélie Roquier, Faustine Serager, Elise Théron, Camille Vermeil, Mathéo Viguier, Lucie Weydenmeyer from the Lycée Emile Duclaux in Aurillac.

French Remembrance Prize : Jules fanton d’Andon, Baptiste Fernandes, Eliot Servans from Collège Gerbert in Aurillac.

Price ONACVG : Rosanne Gras from Collège du Méridien in Mauriac.

Jerome Trin

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