an update on the forces present a few days before the investitures

an update on the forces present a few days before the investitures
an update on the forces present a few days before the investitures

The results of the European elections of June 9 projected on the 9th constituency. National Rally and Reconquest: 38.2%. Left (LFI + PS + EELV + PC): 29.8%. Renaissance: 13.2%. Republicans: 5.9%.

Who will challenge Sophie Mette (MoDem, presidential majority) on June 30 and July 7? On the left, everyone is waiting for the national agreement between the forces of the new Popular Front to move forward. The socialist elected officials have made good progress in their choice. Exit the mayor of Salles Bruno Bureau, place in Corinne Martinez, the departmental councilor of the canton of La Brède holds the rope before the final straight. The vice-president of the Community of Communes of Montesquieu ticks all the boxes. And she will not have to leave a town hall if she wins. She is elected in the minority on the municipal council of La Brède. In the middle of the week, his candidacy passed that of Bruno Bureau but also that of Vincent Dedieu, the various left-wing mayor of Origne and president of the Landes de Gascogne Regional Natural Park. It remains to be seen whether the 9th will be reserved for the PS or LFI. Answer this Friday.

On the right, the mayor of Goualade René Cardoit, the Republican candidate in 2022, is not running. As for the National Rally, the favorite Damien Obrador is no longer on the front line. Once anticipated for the 12th constituency, François-Xavier Marques (ex-Reconquête), president of the Gironde butchers’ union, should cross the Garonne to represent Marine Le Pen’s party.

Entre-deux-Mers: 12th constituency

The results of the Europeans projected on the 12th constituency. National Rally and Reconquest: 38.1%. Left (LFI + PS + EELV + PC): 30.2%. Renaissance: 13.5%. Republicans: 5.9%.

The outgoing deputy Pascal Lavergne (Renaissance) has submitted his candidacy for the prefecture. Christelle Lapouge, regional councilor, deputy mayor of Salleboeuf, member of the Radical Party, is his deputy as in 2022.

What color will the left-wing candidate be in the 12th constituency? Créon elected official Mathilde Feld (LFI) is in the starting blocks. She reached out to the mayor of La Réole (ex-PS) for reconciliation after the tense 2022 campaign. The mayor of Sauveterre-de-Guyenne Christophe Miqueu announced that he would not seek this mandate as deputy: “My The functions of mayor are not compatible with this national commitment. And my choice, in this context of non-cumulation, to prioritize the local mandate entrusted to me by the Sauveterriens until 2026, has never been the subject of the slightest ambiguity, as I was also able to show in 2022.” Christophe Miqueu calls for a rapprochement between Mathilde Feld and Bruno Marty: “The most beautiful illustration of the unity being implemented would be for them to say they are ready to unite, hand in hand , to form the Popular Front pair in our constituency. I ask them and urge them to do so. »



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