When Ariège opens a restaurant-grocery store in Toulouse

When Ariège opens a restaurant-grocery store in Toulouse
When Ariège opens a restaurant-grocery store in Toulouse

The Nòu brand, initiated by the Ariège Chamber of Agriculture, is setting up in the city center of Toulouse.

The Nòu brand, launched by the Ariège Chamber of Agriculture, opened a restaurant-grocery store at the end of April, called “Chez Nòu”, in the city center of Toulouse (Haute-Garonne). Stéphanie Tetrel, project manager, explains: “Obviously, coffee or tea are not from Ariège. But, whenever possible, we offer Nòu brand products. » Christelle Record, elected to the Chamber of Agriculture, continues: “With Nòu, three years ago we created a brand with fairly light specifications, to be broadly inclusive. The idea is to gradually lead producers towards what corresponds to consumer expectations. We advocate transparency. »

After the brand, the idea of ​​creating a place of sale was obvious. “But without it being in competition with the members. The city of Toulouse quickly established itself,” says Stéphanie Tetrel. The other innovation resided in the financing of the place, by calling on private investors to the tune of 500,000 euros. Hence a set-up with an association, a holding company and a simplified joint stock company.

“It’s our tool”

And the farmers? “Nòu, this is our tool, our voice counts! », exclaims Kristine Rouillon, one of the 120 members of the brand, a pig breeder in Madière. She admits: “I wouldn’t need Nòu to market my products. But the brand can be useful to others. Above all, it unites the Ariégeois. When one can’t meet the grocery store’s demand, the other does. And everyone wins and learns to work together. »

The grocery store encourages certain farmers to carefully calculate their cost prices and facilitates their logistics. “The brand is a marketing tool that allows us to develop sectors,” says Christelle Record. The wheat and bread sector has already seen the light of day, those for beef and lamb and livestock feed are currently being structured. With the objective of better promoting production, in this territory where signs of quality are rare.

Christophe Zoia



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