the former deputy of Marmandais Alexandre Freschi will not be a candidate

the former deputy of Marmandais Alexandre Freschi will not be a candidate
the former deputy of Marmandais Alexandre Freschi will not be a candidate

There was little suspense, but Alexandre Freschi definitively lifted the veil on his intentions: “I have made the decision not to run in the next legislative elections. » Hélène Laporte’s predecessor at the Palais Bourbon will therefore not try to recover her seat…

There was little suspense, but Alexandre Freschi definitively lifted the veil on his intentions: “I have made the decision not to run in the next legislative elections. » Hélène Laporte’s predecessor at the Palais Bourbon will therefore not attempt to recover her seat during the vote on June 30 and July 7. The one who wore the colors of the presidential majority from 2017 to 2022 in Parliament explains that “these unexpected elections arrive at a time when my professional commitments require my full attention and my presence”.

From Monday June 10, the day after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron, the hypothesis of his candidacy had taken a blow in the wing: the boss of Renaissance in Lot-et-Garonne, Corinne Griffond, thus estimated that Alexandre Freschi and his defeated counterpart in Villeneuvois, Olivier Damaisin, “were not the best candidates” for these legislative elections.

No “inevitable duel” RN-Nupes

Relations between the Macronist general staff in Lot-et-Garonne and the Marmandais had cooled considerably between the two rounds of the 2022 legislative elections, when Alexandre Freschi, third in the first round behind the RN Hélène Laporte and the Nupes candidate Christophe Courrègelongue, had decided, against the advice of the party, to remain in the second round in a triangular which will have sealed the victory of the elected frontist.

The former mayor of Castelnau-sur-Gupie specifies, however, that he remains engaged in the preparation of the candidacy of the presidential majority in Marmandais, “in order to offer a solid alternative to all those who do not find themselves in the extremes , as [il l’a] done in 2022.” The former MP thus refuses the “inevitable duel between the RN and the Nupes”.

What future ?

Thanking the authors of the “numerous messages of support [qu’il a] received in recent days”, Alexandre Freschi gives no less hope for the future: “My commitment remains complete for our territory which I represented and defended with conviction for five years in the National Assembly. I am fully aware that we will have to fight many battles in the future. I will continue to work for the well-being of our community, even outside the legislative field. […] I will continue to act for good [des] residents [de notre territoire], in every way possible. »



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