Elected officials believe there are too many communicators in the Swiss army

Elected officials believe there are too many communicators in the Swiss army
Elected officials believe there are too many communicators in the Swiss army

Failing to wage a “real” war, the Swiss army is leading the offensive on social networks. According to an internal audit, the Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sports (DDPS) operated around 250 channels on Telegram, YouTube and Twitter in 2021. And this figure has probably increased since then, given that the number of Full-time positions in communications have continued to grow. In 2023, 95 specialists monitored the public image of the army. There were 92 in 2022; and only about fifty ten years ago. Today, the entire Confederation relies on around 400 communicators, DDPS included.

According to a public relations professional in Bern, the army could hire double the number of employees, “there would still be as much to do”, he confides in the “NZZ”. And yet, although communicators are so busy, their work is not considered essential in the eyes of certain elected officials. According to them, these expenses are not a priority. “You have to focus on what’s important. It is better to have a properly equipped army than to create TikTok videos,” quips Lars Guggisberg (UDC/BE) in the German-speaking daily. An opinion shared by Peter Schilliger (PLR/LU): “The public relations activities of the army go too far.”

As a reminder, last week the Council of States refused a credit of 10 billion for the army. If the Viola Amherd Department is to be strengthened operationally, it will have to do so by cutting spending.




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