Carla Bruni “sad” about the political chaos in France? This video that says a lot

Carla Bruni “sad” about the political chaos in France? This video that says a lot
Carla Bruni “sad” about the political chaos in France? This video that says a lot

Since Emmanuel Macron ordered the dissolution of the National Assembly, the political scene has found itself in total confusion, between alliances, betrayals, disputes, and mutinies. On the left, PS, Ecologists, PCF and LFI have decided to unite around a popular front and, according to a press release published Monday, will support unique applications from the first round” legislative elections scheduled for June 30. A strategy which is paying off, if we are to believe the current polls, which give 28% voting intention to this new coalition behind the RN. But this agreement is not to everyone’s taste, in particular Gabriel Attal, who expressed his regret on the airwaves of France Inter this Thursday, June 13. An excerpt of his remarks was posted on Instagram by the radio, which Carla Bruni was quick to “like”.

Better yet, the former First Lady reposted Gabriel Attal’s comments in her story, barely an hour after they were posted online. In the sequence, we hear Emmanuel Macron’s right arm say to himself “sad to see this party once again get behind and move forward with France Insoumise”. As a reminder, the walker joined the Socialist Party in 2006, completed an internship at the National Assembly with Marisol Touraine, a figure of the left and was a municipal councilor for the Vanves PS, before branching off to En Marche in 2016. “It makes me sad to see the social democrats with the NPA of Philippe Poutou. It makes me sad to see those who invented secularism end up with those who thrive on communitarianism. It makes me sad to see those who were the defenders of Dreyfus with those who are being prosecuted for advocating terrorism because they refused to condemn what happened on October 7.” continued the occupant of Matignon. By reposting this video, did Carla Bruni suggest that she shared the Prime Minister’s opinion on this alliance of the left?

© Instagram screenshot

>> PHOTOS – The election of Yaël Braun-Pivet, the punchline of Rachel Kéké… these moments which have entered the history of the National Assembly

Which party does Carla Bruni vote for?

If her husband Nicolas Sarkozy is a Republican heavyweight, it is difficult to know which side Carla Bruni is on… Originally, the singer was more of a socialist: “I was part of a community of artists. We were bohemian, we were left-wing, but at that time, I was voting in Italy. I never voted for the left in France, and I will tell you, it’s not now that I’m going to get started”she confided in 2011 in The Parisian, taken over by Release.

We also know that the flagship top model of the 1990s undoubtedly voted for Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the last presidential election, which pitted him against Marine Le Pen. In a long message relayed on social networks, on April 12, 2022, the former head of state announced on Instagram that he had decided to “leave one’s reservation to indicate clearly what (one’s) vote will be” : “I will vote for Emmanuel Macron”. A ballot paper that his wife had amply approved: “Well said my @nicolassarkozy #emmanuelmacron #elections2022” In 2017, she revealed to West France having also voted for the former banker, as well as for Nicolas Sarkozy at the time: “I only voted for him. And also for Macron in the last presidential election, obviously. I met him, he is a friendly, charming person. But I’m not sure I’ll vote again.” It’s difficult to know what name she will slip into the envelope on June 30…

Photo credits: SGP / BESTIMAGE



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