Video. This very large architect-designed house is almost self-sufficient in water and electricity (Living)

  • The living room. One of 14 in this very large house


  • The veranda.

    Repro CL

At that price, absolute peace of mind. None overlooked. “Geographically, we are between The Tree and the Beautiful Star, that’s a sign, isn’t it? » smiles Chandigoriane, kinesiologist, astrologer and painter. The signs: they are crucial for the couple. They even mark their lives. And guided them in the conduct of their real estate project in 2008. “We asked the architect to respect the golden ratio as much as possible.” The divine proportion.

Power of solar panels: 6 kW. And wiring provided for double if necessary.

Power of solar panels: 6 kW. And wiring provided for double if necessary.


“A house for creativity,” says Chandigoriane Weyand. Who transformed the mezzanine into a painting studio, with breathtaking views of nature. “Inspiring”. Her husband has set up his workshop in the basement (65 m²). It was there that he designed, among other things, solar ovens and dryers, presented several times in CL. The space can accommodate two cars, if the buyer is less handy than the seller.

  • A mezzanine “for creativity”.

    A mezzanine “for creativity”.

    A mezzanine “for creativity”.

  • A mezzanine “for creativity”.

    A mezzanine “for creativity”.

    A mezzanine “for creativity”.

  • A mezzanine “for creativity”.

    A mezzanine “for creativity”.

    A mezzanine “for creativity”.

  • A mezzanine “for creativity”.

    A mezzanine “for creativity”.

    A mezzanine “for creativity”.

  • A mezzanine “for creativity”.

    A mezzanine “for creativity”.

    A mezzanine “for creativity”.

The house is designed in three blocks: the living rooms in the center. The right wing for the night. The left wing, completely independent, with its own entrance. This is where the saleswoman created her kinesiology practice. There she receives for astrology consultations. “Buyers will be able to use it for an additional, medical or paramedical activity.” Or transform it into a gîte or a reception house for guests.

“Circuit breaker off from April to October when it’s sunny”

Low temperature underfloor heating with regulation in each room. Centralized vacuuming throughout. The great particularity of this property is that it was designed to be energy self-sufficient. “Almost total water autonomy thanks to a well, even if we are connected to the Saur if necessary,” describes Dominique Weyand.

The technical sheet of this property.

The technical sheet of this property.

CL infographic

“And, for electricity, we installed 30 solar panels, or 6 kW, with batteries and an inverter which allows the Enedis circuit breaker to be turned off, roughly speaking, from April to October when there is sunshine “. If the future owner finds that it is insufficient, “I oversized the wiring to leave, in the future, the possibility of doubling the capacity”.



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