Le National voted: Switzerland must not participate in certain NATO exercises

Le National voted: Switzerland must not participate in certain NATO exercises
Le National voted: Switzerland must not participate in certain NATO exercises

Switzerland must not participate in joint defense exercises with NATO. The National approved a committee motion to this effect on Thursday, by 118 votes to 69. The Council of States has yet to decide.

For the National, Switzerland must not participate in joint defense exercises with NATO (illustrative image).


In a report on strengthening cooperation with NATO, the Federal Council indicates that participation in NATO exercises across the full range of capabilities is envisaged for the future, recalled Jean-Luc Addor (UDC/ VS) for the commission.

And added that “it is not Switzerland’s responsibility to send its soldiers to die to defend NATO members nor to train for this”. Furthermore, from the point of view of neutrality policy, it would be completely implausible for Switzerland to participate in defense exercises on NATO’s external border.

Switzerland must strengthen its defense capacity. For this, joint exercises are a decisive element. However, in view of the geopolitical situation, NATO only carries out exercises which contain elements linked to collective defense. With this motion, Switzerland’s participation in the exercises would be limited, said Defense Minister Viola Amherd.

And remember that the Federal Council examines participation in exercises on a case-by-case basis. He will not approve any that would endanger neutrality, she assured.

dv, ats




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