Natural gas (CNG) motorcycle: An imminent world first

We have never seemed so close to knowing the first motorcycle running on (natural) gas. Bajaj’s GNC Bike is expected to be revealed soon and there is a lot to talk about

Natural gas: The fuel of tomorrow?

The future of fuel could well involve CNG or LNG. But what are all these abbreviations? THE Natural gas is used in several forms in the field of transportation : in its compressed form (CNG), but also in liquid form (LNG).

By emitting less CO2 during combustion and almost no fine particles, Natural Gas for NGV Vehicles (it can also be called that) is one of the so-called “sustainable” fuels. Therefore, it is used as fuel to power several types of vehicles : from car engines, to heavy goods vehicles, including utility vehicles or buses And soon, the motorcycle!

The first CNG two-wheeler marketed in 2024?

It is for these reasons that Rajiv Bajaj, managing director of Bajaj Auto, is convinced that Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or biogas, could interest consumers. One of the largest automobile manufacturers in India and in essence, the world, will launch the Bajaj CNG, likely to be called Bruzer 125, this Tuesday, June 18. This was confirmed by Rajiv Bajaj himself at the launch of the Pulsar NS400Z.

The choice of Bajaj, which specializes in two-wheelers, but also three-wheelers (tuk tuks) which are found by the millions on Indian streets, can be explained by the availability of CNG in this sector. Available and affordable, the operations director says he It will cost half as much to ride a CNG-powered motorcycle as a gasoline-powered motorcycle.

A model that calls for others…

The name of the first CNG model has not yet been revealed as manager Rajiv Bajaj was already talking about “lhas the possibility not only to develop a single model, but also to create a portfolio of GNC”. At the start of the year, speculation was rife as to the name of the preeminent. Especially since new names of motorcycles registered by Bajaj Auto, shareholder of KTM, have leaked: Bajaj Glider, Bajaj Trekker, Bajaj Bruzer, or even Bajaj Freedom and Bajaj Marathon. The last two, synonymous with alternative fuel and long autonomy?

Hybrid version, a promising alternative?

Because of a energy density approximately 20% higher than gasoline, natural gas, mainly composed of methane, can produce more energy than gasoline for an equivalent quantity. A hybrid version in which you could switch between gasoline and gas operation is then considered. However, the question lies in the current availability of this alternative fuel.

Even if, for the moment, we don’t know much about this future CNG Bajaj motorcycle, we can’t wait to discover how the manufacturer and its teams managed the integration of the pressure tank. Like hydrogen, CNG requires a high pressure cylinder (200-250 bar) for storage. These tanks, cylindrical in shape to balance pressure, generally take up more space than a conventional motorcycle fuel tank. Planned for marketing in India first, this innovation targets the popular 100-125cc and 150-160cc displacement segments.

bajaj-cng-bike-motorcycle-2024Last year, a series of images taken from a patent filing revealed
the technical architecture of the model.

In addition, partner of Triumph, since 2023, Bajaj has produced the Triumph Speed ​​400 and Triumph Scrambler 400 X. A few days should now be enough to find out a little more about this new car.



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