The Loiret rural private property union calls into question the retroactivity of the enclosure law

During the general assembly in Sandillon, Denis Lablée, the president of the Loiret rural private property union, announced that a lawyer before the Council of State had been mandated to file an appeal regarding the retroactivity of 30 years of the law of February 2, 2023 aimed at limiting the enclosure of natural spaces.

A new legal episode is underway regarding the application of the law of February 2, 2023, aimed at limiting the enclosure of natural spaces and protecting private property. Indeed, the Loiret departmental union of private property has decided to ask the Council of State to look into the 30-year retroactivity, which, “if it is maintained, can open the door to many things but remains a violation of property rights”, noted Denis Lablée, the president of this union. He made this announcement during the general meeting which took place on Thursday, June 13, at the Sandillon village hall, in front of around thirty people.

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After receiving the green light from Bruno Keller, the national president of the departmental unions, the Loiret union asked a lawyer, who pleads before the Council of State, to file an appeal with a view to a Priority Question of constitutionality, specifically on 30-year retroactivity. He filed it on Monday June 10. And by the end of the month, he will have prepared a complementary brief.

“I still do not have a clear opinion on the merits of the law, I am not an expert but I am respectful of our laws, our institutions and our constitution, guarantors of respect for our property rights” , indicated Denis Lablée.

“Nothing like it to sow confusion”

After citing several articles from the Civil Code, the Declaration of Human and Citizen Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights, highlighting non-retroactivity, he was surprised: “And yet , this law (of February 2, 2023) is retroactive Nothing like it to sow confusion and plunge people into a state of total perplexity…”

“And let’s not even talk about the absurd situations in which people are convicted for breaking rules that did not yet exist at the time they committed their actions. The poor devils find themselves in a spiral of legal confusion, don’t knowing more if their past is real or if the universe is playing with their minds.”

Concretely, Denis Lablée is worried about the drilling carried out over the last thirty years.

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Rave parties. Denis Lablée spoke about these festive electronic music events which give rise to lively discussions and concerns in rural areas, linked to the disruption of tranquility, environmental degradation, risks for public safety, and the impact on the local economy.
It is essential to raise awareness of the disastrous consequences of these gatherings and to promote alternatives that are more respectful of our rural living environment,” he stressed.

Alexis Marie



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