Francos of Montreal | Lary Kidd in eight parts

Francos of Montreal | Lary Kidd in eight parts
Francos of Montreal | Lary Kidd in eight parts

Lary Kidd has just released an album, will give two shows as part of the Francos, is continuing an anniversary tour with his group Loud Larry Ajust and is still designing clothes for his Officiel brand. There was room for discussion.

Published at 12:51 a.m.

Updated at 8:00 a.m.

Napoleon’s white horse

Released around ten days ago, Lary Kidd’s third album is an exercise in style, designed without the ambition of conveying any particular messages. “Where I am in my life, I don’t know anymore if I really want to say something rather than simply using the beats that I’m given in order to create a coherent product that’s fun to listen to,” says the rapper. Two songs I cut were quite engaging, but this album is too scathing and not serious enough. They are not dead yet. »

(Re)read our review

About the

“It’s the rap that I love. Hammering those same deals, but getting better and better. These are codes that I have used for a long time in which I take refuge,” says Lary Kidd. His references are those of several rappers who have fun with the lexical field of cocaine, the fast and glorious life of gangsters, like several Martin Scorsese films. “I like to say I’m a happy fool. I’m a relatively cool guy, but in my music, not so much. I imagine I’m experiencing some discomfort there. »

Extract of Do you know my name

The character

Laurent Fortier is Lary Kidd, who also has his excessive alter ego, Young Man. “It’s based on an old me mixed with everything I consume: art, TV, news and what people tell me,” he explains. I never really allowed myself to take a step back from the character. I use it as a communicator. This is a reflection that I could perhaps have at the end of my career. »

The shows at the Francos

Napoleon’s white horse will be officially presented to the public during two concerts, on June 13 and 14, at Foufounes Électriques. “We wanted to give a small-scale show, twice 400 people, for proximity to the fans. The room is square, so you see everyone. It’s like a communion,” emphasizes Lary Kidd. Friends Loud and Ajust will be present, while Fléau Dicaprio will be the opening act with, among others, Shreez, Obia the Chef and Le Youngin.

La tournée avec LLA

Pour souligner les 10 ans de l’album Blue Volvo, Loud Lary Ajust (LLA) se déplace dans la province afin de célébrer avec ses fans des premiers jours. Après Québec et le festival Santa Teresa, le trio sera au festival La Noce, à Saguenay, le 4 juillet, puis à Montréal, à Baie-Saint-Paul, à Drummondville et à Granby. « Nous sommes tout le temps ensemble dans la vie. Quand il y a une game de hockey, un barbecue, n’importe quoi, on est ensemble. Nous sommes les trois mêmes chums en tournée. Et les gens crient nos paroles ! Le mot, c’est plaisir ! »

Tailler sa propre place

Si Blue Volvo a 10 bougies, Gullywood en a maintenant 12. Le 10anniversaire du premier opus du groupe avait d’ailleurs été souligné de belle façon aux Francos, en 2022. La scène rap québécoise demeure petite et, pendant longtemps, LLA frayait seul son chemin. « Ce n’est pas qu’on était fermés, mais on ne voyait pas l’utilité d’aller vers les autres. Ça ne veut pas dire qu’on haïssait tout le monde, précise Lary en riant. Avec l’âge, on ouvre nos horizons. […] This is what I talk about in The ghosts of SOCAN : the pride of having an atypical career path, of evolving on the fringes, of creating your own parallel economy, without the help of commercial radio. »

Extract from SOCAN Ghosts


In February, Loud invited his old friends, as well as Lost, Imposs, Raccoon, Rymz, Souldia and Ya Cetidon to perform at L’Olympia in Paris. “It was jovial, full camaraderie. We are all grateful to Simon [véritable prénom de Loud] », says Lary. He took advantage of his presence in the City of Lights to meet the renowned Benjamin Epps in the studio. Productive, they recorded three songs, including What are you talking aboutwhich loops Napoleon’s white horse. The rapper from Ahuntsic intends to return there.


Lary Kidd has been collecting collections from his Officiel brand for eight years. “Making clothes goes back as far as the dream of making music. One day, I received a big check and I went for it, recalls the artistic director. We are preparing a pop-up which will take place throughout the Festival. […] The more I evolve in this, the more I like having control over production. I don’t want to be the guy pointing out skits. My girlfriend works with me and we learn together. »

At Foufounes Électriques, June 13 and 14, 8 p.m.

Visit the show page

Visit the tour website Blue Volvo

Visit the Official brand website



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