the list led by Béatrice Le Goff elected in the first round

the list led by Béatrice Le Goff elected in the first round
the list led by Béatrice Le Goff elected in the first round

The inhabitants of Bais (Mayenne) were called to the polls on Sunday June 9, 2024. In addition to the European elections, voters voted for municipal elections in order to elect 15 municipal councilors. A necessary vote after the death of Marie-Cécile Morice, mayor of the town, in February.

390 votes cast

Only one list had been declared to the prefecture: L’Avenir de Bais tous ensemble, led by Béatrice Le Goff. The list, without political label, brought together a majority of outgoing councilors.

855 voters were registered. 474 voted. 390 votes were cast (48 canceled ballots or envelopes and 36 blank votes according to the minutes).

“The participation rate is 56%”indicates the head of the list, the day after the vote. “This shows the interest of the residents, with whom we had exchanged a lot. There was a clear yes for the list (78% of participants). I am glad “, comments Béatrice Le Goff. “Now we must move forward. »

“A lot of work to do”

First session Friday June 14, at 7:30 p.m., to proceed with the election, by the councilors, of the mayor and his deputies. “There will be four,” announces Béatrice Le Goff. “We have a big job to do. A lot of files are pending. We will have to take them all back, one by one. While taking into account the grievances of the Baldiceans. We want to satisfy the population. There are urgent things to do, others to create. »

Béatrice Le Goff and Hugues Grimault were also elected community councilors.



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