Legislative elections in Orne. Chantal Jourdan, outgoing PS MP, returns to the campaign

Legislative elections in Orne. Chantal Jourdan, outgoing PS MP, returns to the campaign
Legislative elections in Orne. Chantal Jourdan, outgoing PS MP, returns to the campaign

“Yes, I am reapplying because I want to continue the work started four years ago. » After the shock of the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly by the President of the Republic, Sunday June 9, the reflection did not take long for Chantal Jourdan, outgoing PS deputy in the first constituency of Orne, that of Alençon-Domfront. Elected in 2022, she had already taken on the role of deputy two years previously when Joaquim Pueyo, mayor of Alençon and deputy, had chosen her seat at town hall as the law against the non-cumulative mandates obliged him to do.

Read also: At the dawn of new legislative elections, who are the outgoing deputies in Normandy?

“I expect a tough fight”

If the outcome of the discussions between the left-wing parties for the Popular Front “will be known Wednesday evening”, Chantal Jourdan has already announced her wish to go back to the countryside. With, at his side, Maxence Sebert, who was already his deputy in 2022. And a major adversary facing them: the National Rally (RN).

Read also: A rally “against Macron and the extreme right”, Wednesday June 12 in Alençon

“I expect a tough fight ahead. I will have to explain a lot of things to the voters I will meet. And I want to address those who voted for the RN. I think that it is not necessarily a vote of adhesion but a vote of protest which expresses the suffering of people, their difficult ends of the month, the public services which are lacking…”

The outgoing MP plans door-to-door visits, market meetings, “maybe one or two public meetings.” A work that she will carry out with all her support. “We’re going to make the network work,” she smiled. To say everything she wants to fight in the ideology of the RN: “It is a party which makes Europe and foreigners its scapegoats, which is against ecology and that is dramatic. Climate change cannot be denied. »



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