“Oh My Lot!” » launches a new campaign – Medialot

“Oh My Lot!” » launches a new campaign – Medialot
“Oh My Lot!” » launches a new campaign – Medialot

Potential of 8,000 jobs over the year 2024.

As part of the “Oh My Lot! », Each summer period is an opportunity to address tourists. This year, in line with the priority orientations of the program which consist of supporting private and public employers in their recruitment, the campaign will have employment as its main theme. With a potential of more than 8,000 jobs* planned for the year 2024, the Lot intends to make it known. And not just to tourists passing through the Lot this summer!

> The Lot is recruiting

With employment as the common thread, this communication operation has a dual objective:

– Develop the visibility and notoriety of the Lot

– Attract candidates

For four months, starting in June, tourists will be targeted but also working people on a national scale. The advertisements will be distributed on the Le Bon Coin website and on the professional social network LinkedIn, to people looking for work, and in particular in the fields of activity which recruit the most in the Lot. This distribution will be supplemented by a local display and publications on Facebook and Instagram. To challenge, inspire, reassure and attract candidates, the campaign will be carried out in two highlights.

> False offers to make an impression

A first message, from June to the end of August, will take the form of false job offers. Four visuals will promote vacancies in the Lot to become a star healer, a caselle decorator, a sheep cuddler or even a flavor scout. So many offbeat positions which do not exist but which will encourage summer visitors and working people, looking for a change of life and employment, to connect to the sitechoselelot.fr which promotes real professional opportunities.

> Real offers to find candidates

Then, at the start of the school year, from September to October, it’s time for real job offers. This second message will help counterbalance the humorous effect of our imaginary posts. Vacant positions will be highlighted to show that the Lot is recruiting and to encourage applications.

>Are you recruiting?

In partnership with France Travail, the sitechoselelot.fr automatically broadcasts all job offers. For greater completeness, we are launching a new service for employers in Lot. Via a recruiter space, we give companies and communities, which do not post their offers on France Travail, the opportunity to publish them directly on our site. With nearly 6,000 visitors each month, www.choisirlelot.fr offers great visibility to recruiters and the region.

*Source France Travail



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