The women’s finance summit is back

The event kicked off virtually on Monday with lectures offered free of charge to those interested. Simply register on the Women’s Finance Summit website to receive the link for the next activities which will be held in the coming hours.


Laurianne Dionne-Arseneault, speaker and founder of the Women’s Finance Summit. (Sandra Piperni Photography)

“We understand that people who need financial help will not be those who will pay for a ticket to see Danièle Henkel,” mentions Laurianne Dionne-Arsenault, speaker, organizer of the event and founder of the Sommet de la finance. .

There are several options available to attend conferences, whether the free or paid version, web or in person.

“Anyone can participate in the event. We talk about women’s finances, but there are also guys who participate there. We also talk about money and money has no gender. There are men who come with their partner and that opens up discussions as a couple about money.”

— Laurianne Dionne-Arsenault

According to Ms. Dionne-Arsenault, money still remains a taboo in Quebec and it is important to talk about it.

She wants to improve women’s confidence regarding their budget, in particular through this event.


For the occasion, nine conferences are presented online and to close the event, an entire day will be devoted to finance. It will take place at the Granby Zoo this Friday, June 14.

Three speakers will talk about their inspiring journeys, including Danièle Henkel, who has more than 30 years of experience in the business field.


Danièle Henkel is one of the speakers participating in the Women’s Finance Summit. She will be present on June 14 at the Granby Zoo. (Bénédicte Brocard)

Then, three female millionaires will speak followed by three women working in a male environment.

“The goal is really to inspire the women who will be there to take the path they want to take.”

— Laurianne Dionne-Arseneault

Conferences are 45 minutes long with a 15-minute question period.

People who pay for a virtual ticket will have access to the conferences for a period of three months.

Profits and silent auction

The profits raised will go to the Maison le Far organization which helps women victims of domestic violence and their children.

“You don’t separate the woman from the family and one in four women will be victims of domestic violence in their life and most of them stay in toxic environments because of finances so we said to ourselves that if we are able to educate them about finances in addition to helping them rebuild, it kills two birds with one stone,” says Ms. Dionne-Arsenault.

She also adds that all the conferences are accessible free of charge for women who are at the organization.

In addition, it is possible to participate in a silent auction on the website and on site. The auction is active until June 14 at 4 p.m., and all profits generated will also go to the organization.

The amount will be calculated the same day and will be delivered a few days later.



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