Separation: fathers worried about the relationship with their child

Separation: fathers worried about the relationship with their child
Separation: fathers worried about the relationship with their child

A large majority of fathers (72%) are concerned about the quality of the relationship they will have with their child after a marital separation, according to a Léger survey published Monday.

Thus, the survey carried out among 574 Quebec fathers shows that 73% of them are worried about the amount of time they will be able to spend with their children and the stability of their routine.

Concerning their separation, 68% of fathers indicate that it went well overall, 56% have shared custody and 59% trust the other parent.

The results of the survey reveal that the preservation of the father-child bond and co-parental collaboration are the central points of fathers’ concerns during periods of separation.

A lack of support

Conducted on behalf of the Regroupement pour la Valorisation de la Paternity, the survey also indicates that mothers and fathers do not always react in the same way after a breakup.

“A close analysis of the survey data shows that a particularly negative perception of the separation experience among fathers is associated with the feeling of not having taken part in the main decisions, of not having felt adequately supported during the process , or the feeling that their point of view has not been taken into account and that their role as father has not been recognized and valued by the various stakeholders,” explained Tamarha Pierce, professor of psychology at Laval University. , who collaborated on the design and analysis of the survey.

The National Working Committee on Fathers and Marital Separation took advantage of the release of these results to propose 12 strategies intended to “better support fathers in the context of marital separation.” Among them, we find making family mediation more attractive, training legal professionals on paternal realities, better documenting the realities of fathers during periods of separation or even mobilizing the workplace to support fathers.




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