“He stands out at the club level”, kickboxer Owen Dusseau continues his rise in Sisteron

“He stands out at the club level”, kickboxer Owen Dusseau continues his rise in Sisteron
“He stands out at the club level”, kickboxer Owen Dusseau continues his rise in Sisteron

The Sisteron resident Owen Dusseau, 19, has just won his last two fights at the Open Sud kickboxing, in Les Angles. Wishing to take stock of this promising young man, we meet a slender Owen, with a blond hairstyle, who jokes with his friends while adorning himself with the trappings of the perfect kickboxer. The young people are laughing, being cool, and warming up before training.

Sitting on the locker room bench, the young athlete talks about his life with disarming tranquility. If he started kickboxing at the age of 9 with Jean-Michel Aubert, Owen took a sideways path, let’s say, bumpy, before returning to the demanding one of training only two years ago .

He won the regional title this year

Yes, you can say that I did stupid things, I am calm about that today“, Owen smiled after three seconds of thought.

Today I have a regulated life that I enjoy. I live in Sisteron with my partner, I am a mason, and I train six days a week, in the evening after work, running, cardio, weight training…, indoors or outdoors“.

But Owen is also living his life as a 19-year-old young man. “I also like football with friends, cars, the pleasures of life, even if I don’t go out much. I go on vacation and the advantage is that I can train anywhere!”. Life, but a life punctuated by kickboxing, K1 (pronounced in English: K one, another form of kickboxing), but also fullcontact, another combat sport of foot-to-point boxing.



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