Important leadership transition for the Dr Julien foundation

Important leadership transition for the Dr Julien foundation
Important leadership transition for the Dr Julien foundation

The Dr. Julien Foundation, a pillar of community social pediatrics in Quebec, is undertaking an important leadership transition with the handover of clinical leadership responsibilities from Dr. Gilles Julien to his daughter, Maude Julien, scheduled for the end of summer 2024 .

Dr. Gilles Julien, who founded community social pediatrics, will now focus on his role as spokesperson and intervener with children, while Maude Julien, clinical nurse and general director of the Lévis Social Pediatrics Center, will take the management of the Foundation.

This transition is part of a broader strategy to ensure the sustainability of the Foundation and its care model, which has proven its effectiveness in helping more than 12,000 children in difficulty through the network of 45 independent centers. social pediatrics. In this context, the Foundation focuses on the development of its philanthropic component, in partnership with the Quebec Network of Community Social Pediatric Centers and the government of Quebec, which has promised to invest $57.5 million in by March 2027.

Furthermore, organizational changes are underway to strengthen the Foundation’s management structure. François Morin, outgoing president of the board of directors, will be replaced in the coming months. A rigorous selection process is in place to find a new president and CEO who will complete the management team and continue to propagate the social pediatrics model.

The Dr Julien Foundation is also taking measures to support its staff during this transition period, by listening and implementing recommendations to maintain a healthy and productive work climate.

These initiatives reaffirm the Dr Julien Foundation’s commitment to providing specialized and adapted care to vulnerable children, while respecting their fundamental rights, thus contributing to a more inclusive and caring society for future generations.

Source: Dr Julien Foundation / CNW

Publication Health Index: 2024-06-10

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