“We are making progress everywhere”: in Yvelines, the RN hopes for deputies

“We are making progress everywhere”: in Yvelines, the RN hopes for deputies
“We are making progress everywhere”: in Yvelines, the RN hopes for deputies

The “liner” traces its route, imperturbable. Once again, the National Rally confirmed its linear and continuous progress in Yvelines during the European elections on Sunday. Marine Le Pen’s party comes first in the department, gathering nearly 20% of the votes, compared to 14% during the 2019 European elections.

“On the scale of a department which has always been complicated for us, this result is exceptional,” says Laurent Morin, departmental delegate of the party. When we look at the results map, we are making progress everywhere, even in the East! We are slowly getting closer to Paris and the inner suburbs. Something is happening, we feel it. We recorded more new memberships on Sunday evening! »

Once again, the RN confirms its anchoring in the ninth constituency of Yvelines, centered on the west of the department. 85 of the 88 municipalities placed Bardella at the top of the votes. In the rural areas of this sector, the list led by Jordan Bardella reaches on average 40% and is close to 50%, as in Flacourt, a village near Mantes-la-Jolie traditionally pro RN. In Bonnieres-sur-Seine, 42% of voters voted for the far-right party.

Bardella overtakes Larcher… at Rambouillet

In the South, as in the last elections, the RN confirms its breakthrough in municipalities like Orsonville (40.28%) and Ablis (36.6%). Even in Rambouillet, the town of Senate President Gérard Larcher (LR), the RN is in the lead with almost 20% of the votes.

Building on this record, the party plans to “present candidates everywhere” for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, announces Laurent Morin. “This will be done while respecting a certain stability over time, which is what Jordan Bardella wants. » If he refuses to say more, Laurent Morin should logically appear in the ninth. We could also see Cyril Nauth again, in the Mantaise region. A national nomination commission is planned in the coming hours to decide on the candidates.



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