Against the far right, around a hundred people gathered in L’Aigle

Against the far right, around a hundred people gathered in L’Aigle
Against the far right, around a hundred people gathered in L’Aigle


Thomas Adam

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 3:04 p.m.

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Thursday, June 27, 5:30 p.m. The sun shines above L’Aigle (Orne), where, on the Place de l’Europe, the faces of a little over a hundred people gathered together are only slightly lit up.

For the inter-union and more particularly the CGT, which launched the call for the rallythe situation is serious.

“A disaster for all”

“France is the country in which the far right recorded the highest score in the last European elections. By organizing the legislative elections in three weeks, at the time of departures for vacation and on the eve of the Olympic Games, the President of the Republic is taking a heavy responsibility. A victory of the far right would be a catastrophe for all citizens,” explained Sophie Leroux, departmental secretary of Orne of the SNES-FSU, to the microphone.

The candidate of the New Popular Front, Guillaume Sacriste, was present to answer questions from the unions on his program for the legislative elections ©Le Réveil Normand

On the square, panels were installed to show the different votes of the National Rally, among others, against the increase in the minimum wage, against the indexation of salaries to inflation or even against the revaluation of small pensions.

When the far right comes to power, we can expect austerity in wages and public services, constitutional reform calling into question the independence of the judiciary and the role of unions.

Sophie Leroux, SNES-FSU.
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“All this is already being demonstrated in several countries. It is also a racist policy, attacks on LGBT rights, on women’s rights, a challenge to the right to abortion…”, she adds.

Young and old united

Among the hundred or so people present, there are faces that are not usually seen in the processions of demonstrations.

We see young people, sometimes even very young people.

“It’s important to be here. We have to think about ourselves, about future generations,” explain Zeliha and Helin, who are 13 and 16 years old respectively.

Zeliha and Helin are not old enough to vote and yet insisted on coming to the rally against the extreme right ©Le Réveil Normand

On their sign, we can read the well-known slogan “youth piss off the national front”.

Later in the evening, a pensioner comes to add in ballpoint pen “old people too”.

There are also many elderly people among the demonstrators.

With the far right in power, I fear the restriction of freedoms, especially that of the press. I fear the end of the right to strike, the disappearance of public services…

Michel, 81 years old.

Born in 1943 under Marshal Pétain, the eaglet especially does not want to see the National Rally obtain a majority in the National Assembly.

For this, the appointment is set for Sunday at the polls!

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