Ventoux Initiative: a resource network for project leaders

Ventoux Initiative: a resource network for project leaders
Ventoux Initiative: a resource network for project leaders

Vaucluse Hebdo: What is the state of health of the companies monitored by Initiative Ventoux?

Sandrine Chabanis: 2023 is a year of consolidation in terms of activity on the projects studied, creations and effective takeovers. We welcomed 540 project leaders and processed 70 files.

This start of the semester exploded with 46 projects analyzed by the approval committee and 41 validated, compared to 26 and 23 last year on the same date, an increase of +77%. The bank co-financing rate is also increasing: 88% compared to 75% in 2023 for the full year. In terms of budget, the support of public and private partners is more popular than ever!

In Vaucluse, the INSEE 2023 figures show 744 business failures (judged in 2023). This is 49% more than in 2019, the reference year before Covid (24% more than in 2018 and 36% more than in 2022).

Concerning the companies supported by Initiative Ventoux, this regression is close, but we experienced fewer liquidations in 2023 than in 2022 and above all, the three-year sustainability rate of the supported companies stands at 84% when it is 76.3% over the entire Ventoux Comtat Venaissin basin. Our entrepreneurs are generally more resilient.

What do you attribute the 2024 surge to?

José Alazard:Our action covers the intermunicipalities of La Cove, Les Sorgues du Comtat, Ventoux Sud and Vaison Ventoux, i.e. approximately 90,000 inhabitants. To be as close as possible to the territories, we are strengthening the In’Cube support program which benefited 50 people last year. Initially, the offer was reserved for project leaders under 30 years old, In’Cube is now open to everyone. We also note more creations in pairs.

In Monteux, the Audacité p programorted by Initiative Ventoux and carried out in partnership with the Rile is a route specific to the city’s priority districts (QPV). A similar action in QPV of Carpentras is launched with Rile in the lead and Adie.

On behalf of the Cove, we are continuing our support for businesses located at the Carpentras Station Market with currently five workshops within “My first factory” and five companies at the “My first office” nursery at Château Durbesson.

And the dynamics? local or regional?

Sandrine Chabanis and José Alazard: More and more calls for projects are being held regionally with the 19 platforms of the Initiative Sud network. This leads us to mobilize the local operators of the public investment bank Bpifrance on its development of local activities aspect. No less than €450,000 in honorary loans were granted from the local funds of Initiative Ventoux in 2023. And €310,000 came from Bpifranceleading to a leverage effect: 1 € of honorary loan can generate between 10 and 13 € of bank loan.



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