The free tradewhy not, but not under any conditions! L'health emergency and the Mercosur are at the heart of agricultural concerns. On October 31, Joel Piganiol et Valentin Delbospresidents of the FDSEA and JA du Cantal made an appointment with the representative of theÉtat au Gaec of the Red Cowthe exploitation of Guillaume and Clément Basset in Vézac. It is Hervé Demaisub-prefect of Aurillac and secretary general of the prefecture, who responded to the invitation, accompanied by Myriam Saviodepartmental director of employment, work, solidarity and population protection (DDETSPP) of Cantal, and Jérôme Pejotdepartmental director of territories (DDT) of Cantal.
A meeting place among Salers breeders far from being neutral “since one of the subjects to be seen, it is a possible agreement between Europe and Mercosur. There is a major risk with the position of South America and its capacity to produce in viande bovinemeat which could greatly destabilize us, while we are finally experiencing a rather favorable year in terms of pricing policy, in particular young animalsTHE broutardsargumentait Joel Piganiolpresident of the FDSEA. And it’s true that this raises concerns.”
A real destabilization of European markets
99,000 tonnes of carcass equivalent, especially sirloin, could come in, real competition on pieces that can be found in homes or restaurants all over France,” says Joël Piganiol, president of the FDSEA Cantal.
For the unionsthe issue comes down to tonnages which will harm production and create a unfair competition. Especially since other volumes are also in the sights: 180,000 tonnes of poultry or even markets such as oilseeds, wheat, corn… Joël Piganiol sees this as “a real destabilization of European markets” and behind it all this the question “of the food sovereignty” with the desire “to have production that takes place on our lands, under the conditions and practices that we know to avoid having imported products that do not at all respect these rules and these productions”, clearly pointing out the use of growth activators across the Atlantic.
If France carries this opposition voice on this agreement, FDSEA and JA fear “a strong risk of circumventing France's right of veto by splitting the agreement into two parts: one commercial, the other political”. According to the unions, this would have the effect not only of weakening the French position, but of reducing the “leverage effect” on strong requirements from an environmental, health and social point of view. French concern is all the greater as Germany has shown its preference for a split agreement.
A keen eye on France's position
Faced with “this sword of Damocles placed on all our heads” and which can “call into question the development of our sectors, the installations and the sustainability of the meat system in Cantal”, the profession therefore raises fears to which Hervé Demai has been able to provide some answers. “We have a double objective on these subjects: to maintain keen attention with the entire profession on all your concerns, characterized by the movement set up a few months ago, to relay them and try to make some proposals; support you and implement a certain number of commitments made.”
On the Mercosurthe State representative recalls an old agreement on which “the position of France is rather constant in recent years”, namely the “refusal of an agreement as it was. THE President of the Republic recalled it a few days ago being hostile to certain elements which constitute this agreement. Michel Barnier maintained this position.”
Hervé Demai confirmed Germany's new position, “in the background until now and which is coming back to the forefront to try to conclude this agreement”. However, he also relayed the position taken a few days ago in Brazil by Sophie PrimasMinister of Foreign Trade,
reaffirming that “the signing of the Mercosur agreement was relatively hypothetical because other European countries think a bit like us”. And to recall that the signing of this agreement requires “the unanimity of the Member States”, but the risk of a split agreement raises the specter “of a qualified majority in terms of States and populations”.
While the G20 in Rio de Janeiro in ten days, “nothing has yet been decided or definitive”. Herve Demai also mentioned a deadline in December, a summit on the Mercosur. In the meantime, he tried to reassure everyone with a government which continues to work to have the support of as many European countries as possible.
The opportunity also for Joël Piganiol to recall that “any compromise” would be rejected by producers, in particular any compensation fund, while ignoring the “strong capacity of farmers to mobilize” if necessary.
“Signing would be an insult to us”
No compromise, the message from the FDSEA is clear, just like that of the Young Farmers. “The signing of such an agreement will be very badly received,” warned Valentin Deblos, president of the JA15. It would be an insult to us because we have quality production, the best agriculture in the world, the most virtuous, the most respectful.” He thus evokes priorities taken in the direction of “environmental well-being or animal well-being. Signing such an agreement would call into question an entire system, our entire agriculture, our future…” There is no question for the JA of overlooking the health of consumers with an importation from elsewhere, “a system that we do not like , and which we will not defend”.
Like the FDSEA, the JA also expects a form of fairness regarding the use of antibiotics and the controls that go with it. “You will never have the human means to be able to control all this meat.” An argument to which Hervé Demai responded: “It is true that currently, this would require us to completely reorganize ourselves in our control and monitoring sector which has already undergone numerous modifications. Yes, we risk having induced effects, and this is where we can draw the attention of our ministers because this does not only concern the Minister of Agriculture.” And the unions point out that they are not hostile to bilateral agreements, provided that they are fair and equitable in both directions.