European elections: Jordan Bardella in the lead, the reactions of elected officials from Lot

European elections: Jordan Bardella in the lead, the reactions of elected officials from Lot
European elections: Jordan Bardella in the lead, the reactions of elected officials from Lot

the essential
According to the first results, Jordan Bardella comes first in the European elections in the Lot with 27% of the votes. He is followed by Raphaeël Glucksmann, 18%, and Valérie Hayer, 13%. Here are the reactions of the various elected officials of the department.

Gérard Blanchet, RN departmental delegate

“In a fairly left-wing department, Glucksmann is holding up well. But it is true that the RN’s score is a big victory. We went from 19% in 2019 to 27% this evening. For the Lot, which has a tradition of left, it’s a real success I would have bet a score around 25% but to be honest, not as much. This proves that the voters want change, those who voted for LFI, for the Greens, the Socialists or the Socialists. Republicans in the last elections brought their votes back to us This land of the left is waking up and that is happy for us. This gives me today a desire to revive a core of 500 members and sympathizers in the Lot which is already there. This score will help me give new impetus to the municipal elections. We are hopeful of proposing lists, in Cahors of course, but also in the sub-prefecture towns and important cantons.



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