Masses, personalities, crowds… How will the reopening of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral take place?

Masses, personalities, crowds… How will the reopening of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral take place?
Masses, personalities, crowds… How will the reopening of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral take place?


Thibault Nadal

Published on

June 9, 2024 at 4:14 p.m.

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The outcome is near. HAS six months from reopening of Notre-Dame de Paris, work continues on the Île de la Cité. Recently, it is the bedside cross which found its place on the roof of the cathedral after the spire at the end of last year.

Three days of festivity

If the official date of reopening has been set for December 8, 2024, Olivier Ribadeau Dumas, the rector-Archpriest of Notre-Dame de Paris, explained that the doors will instead open on the evening of December 7. “The Archbishop will take his crozier and tap on the doors asking that they open. Inside, a few singers will be there to answer him. Then, the doors will open and the Archbishop will enter his cathedral first,” he detailed on KTOTV.

On December 8, a mass to consecrate the hotel will be held “certainly in the presence of many personalities, but also of the people of Paris”. Finally, on the 9th, a new mass, more intimate, will take place at Notre-Dame. She will dedicated “to priests of Paris and Île-de-France to demonstrate that this cathedral is that of all the dioceses of the region. »

Five years later the fire which had ravaged a large part of the cathedral and moved the whole world, Notre-Dame de Paris is therefore preparing to regain its former glory and once again become one of the main places of attraction in the capital.

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