Batch. Inaugural flight to Seville, first destination to Spain…

Batch. Inaugural flight to Seville, first destination to Spain…
Batch. Inaugural flight to Seville, first destination to Spain…


Editorial Cahors

Published on

June 8, 2024 at 7:06 a.m.

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The last airport built in France, 15 years ago,Brive-Vallée de la Dordogne airportlocated partly in the north of the Lotterritory of the commune of Cressensac-Sarrazaccontinues its development by increasing the number of direct flights.

Today, 7 weekly destinations are offered to passengers: Paris, London, Nice, Ajaccio, Brussels, Porto and now Seville.

First flight full or almost

The inaugural flight with the traditional “Watersalut” (watering the plane with fire hoses from the firefighters) took place last Saturday. The Ryanair plane arrived from Seville with already 15 passengers on board and took an almost full plane towards the sun. Thermal shock guaranteed, because the 11 degrees at the start on the Cressensac tarmac were followed 1h45 later by 35 degrees in the capital of Andalusia. An atmosphere warmed by the approximately 65,000 AC-DC fans who came to the city last weekend for a megaconcert.

Tourist and commercial exchanges

This inaugural flight took on board a delegation from the region’s three tourist offices, those of the Dordogne valley, Brive and Sarlat. On the plane, the heads of the Tourist Offices took in their luggage the best specialties to introduce to their Spanish counterparts such as foie gras, of course, Corrèze wine (1001 Pierres) or even madeleines filled with chocolate.

According to Olivier Moulis, the airport director, there are more and more Spaniards in the territory and economic and tourist exchanges are increasing between the two destinations. Furthermore, he continues, on this flight, there are passengers coming from Limoges or Guéret, therefore, the objective of expanding the catchment area of ​​the airport is being realized little by little.

Current projects

Today Brive airport, in figures, has 14 to 22 regular round trips per week depending on the season, 350 business flights per year, and charter destinations that make people dream like Jordan next October and above all 100,000 passengers per year. Other destinations towards European capitals are being studied, according to Olivier Moulis. In the area, three companies will set up in the dismantling, recycling and maintenance of aircraft parts and photovoltaic panels. Economic activities which will create around fifty jobs starting next year and over the next 5 years. The airport is also banking on its children’s book fair to make itself known to local families with some 1,000 visitors.

Things to see and do in Seville

– The royal palace of the Alcazar and its gardens,
– The 15th century Gothic cathedral and its bell tower,
– The Tower of Gold,
– The Plaza de Espagna.
To do :
– Eat tapas in the historic center,
– Take a cruise on the Guadalquivir River,
– Attend a flamenco show.

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