Exceptional Gallo-Roman baths discovered in Villeneuve-sur-Lot

Exceptional Gallo-Roman baths discovered in Villeneuve-sur-Lot
Exceptional Gallo-Roman baths discovered in Villeneuve-sur-Lot

It was already an unusual archaeological site in itself. But with the recent discovery by the team of archaeologists from Inrap (National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research), on site since January, it becomes exceptional. Excisum, the 1st century military camp, unearthed, rue Bourlange in Villeneuve-sur-Lot, before construction began…

It was already an unusual archaeological site in itself. But with the recent discovery by the team of archaeologists from Inrap (National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research), on site since January, it becomes exceptional. Excisum, the 1st century military camp, unearthed, rue Bourlange in Villeneuve-sur-Lot, before the construction of a house, never ceases to surprise specialists of the Gallo-Roman period.

While its presence in Eysses remains unexplained, since it is built on a territory which was not a priori threatened by so-called “barbarian” invasions, there are thermal baths in fairly good condition inside its enclosure. , were discovered: “It is very rare to discover this type of remains on a military site. We didn’t expect it, underlines Vanessa Elizagoyen, scientific manager of the excavation site. Generally, the thermal baths are outside the camp. This is another specificity of Eysses which makes it all the more an exceptional site. »

Charcoal strata attest to the presence of the wood boiler and a hot water basin.


Since last January, archaeologists have gradually revealed the walls, the location of the boiler, marked by charcoal layers, the wastewater evacuation system and a tiered swimming pool whose walls are covered with a coating. smooth: “They are located on the northern plot of the camp, where we generally find the leader’s accommodation and the repair workshops,” adds Vanessa Elizagoyen.

The urgency of excavations before destruction

The Inrap team also found pieces of glass, likely remains of window panes attesting to the importance of natural lighting in the old building. They were added to the many objects found in recent months and carefully preserved in boxes. Sesterces of different sizes, vases, precious stones or even pieces of decorated walls will then be taken to the Inrap research laboratories to be analyzed. Mosaic fragments were also unearthed. They would indicate that there remains potentially buried floor decorations: “At present, we are at the level of the walls and still far from having reached the floors of the building. We still do not know how the water was transported to supply the cold and hot basins. »

For archaeologists, in this month of June, the clock is speeding up. They have barely a month left to continue discovering the hidden treasures of Excisum. The duration of the excavations, decided in advance by Inrap, was six months and no extension is planned: “We should receive reinforcements to speed up the excavations,” adds Vanessa Elizagoyen. At the beginning of July, the archaeologists’ tools will give way to construction equipment for the construction of a house and its swimming pool, a project which will lead to the total destruction of the remains dating back 2,000 years.

Archaeologists know that they are not finished with Excisum. Another plot of land, neighboring, also for sale and building, undoubtedly has in its soil the continuity of the recently unveiled thermal baths… which also risk disappearing under a new pavilion. Unless the land is purchased to preserve its archaeological wealth.



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