VIDEO. From great Parisian luxury to her Lot workshop, Lise devotes herself to high-end leather goods

VIDEO. From great Parisian luxury to her Lot workshop, Lise devotes herself to high-end leather goods
VIDEO. From great Parisian luxury to her Lot workshop, Lise devotes herself to high-end leather goods

the essential
With disconcerting precision, Cadurcienne Lise Mauran puts her hands to the test to make multiple leather objects, collectibles or on demand.

Hands take precedence over machines in its artisanal leather goods. Having started her professional career as an agricultural engineer, Lise Mauran never thought she would one day embark on this profession. Her position seemed too abstract to her, she wanted something concrete and switched to the craft sector. “I headed towards the world of couture, I needed to see the physical evolution of my work as I went along, so I worked for five years for a subcontractor of Hermès Paris, a manufacturing company. luxury”, remembers the leatherworker who left Toulouse to settle down in the Lot.

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VIDEO. Small hand for luxury Hermès bags, the leather goods maker takes over at the head of her own brand

For two years now, Lise Mauran has taken advantage of her experience and worked on her own at home in Cahors. It is in a workshop specially designed for her activity that the 32-year-old young woman developed her brand “Limcuir” and her online store. Handbags, glasses cases, watch straps, pencil holders, or belts, etc. All these accessories are handmade, this is one of the specificities of the Lotois entrepreneur. No machine sits in his workshop.

“I use an ancient technique”

This is a rare initiative, in a world where people prefer to buy in mass, favoring the quantity over the quality of their purchases, Limcuir swims against these ideas by reconnecting with the traditional. “I use an old technique, cellar stitch sewing, it takes more time to do but the solidity of my productions remains incomparable to those of commercial products,” assures Lise Mauran. A Limcuir wallet will have every chance of ending up in your grandson’s pocket, and being passed down through the generations. In any case, this is the whole meaning of the work of the craftswoman who offers small series or unique series, but also responds to orders on demand. “The other day, I was asked to make a gun holster and a knife holster,” the requests range from nothing to nothing, exults the leatherworker.

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INTERVIEW. A young leatherworker from Lauzerte: “How my passion for leather came to me”

98% materials of French origin

Furthermore, the making of leather objects is done according to very strict rules at Limcuir. “I use high-quality French leather, mainly from cattle, made in Rodez. But I also alternate the raw materials with fish leather, such as salmon or trout, tanned in Lyon,” rejoices Lise Mauran . The leathers are all made from food waste, which allows the products to be reused. In total, 98% of the materials the artist uses are of French origin, down to the linen thread used for the seams, which is made in Normandy. At Limcuir, even the metal parts are 95% made in France, mainly by Poursin in Paris or Turquais Bouclerie in Lyon. The other part comes from Europe, still avoiding marine exports.

A set of choices beneficial to the environment, but it doesn’t stop there, “my packaging is recycled or recyclable, and my suppliers assure me of the sale of sustainable and environmentally friendly materials”, worries Lise Mauran , which also recycles its leather scraps to make jewelry. It’s quite an ethic.

All this work has a price, these are high-end accessories. But the designer tries to find techniques to make her articles accessible to everyone. It takes 4 hours of work for classic handbags, compared to around sixty hours for one of its bags, “designed as a work of art at this stage”, says Lise Mauran. Leather goods discovery workshops for the public could be created.

All of Lise Mauran’s articles are available on her online store and you can contact her on social networks, or by making an appointment directly at the workshop. Part of the collection rests at the Atelier du dragon, in Montcuq-en-Quercy.


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